Would you want to see the return of V in a new Devil may cry game?

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Him being Vergil's humanity is a waste of a good idea. Ironically Nero being a younger Dante would feel more believable. V and Nero have the opposite problem (he feels too reminiscent of Dante while V felt too little of Vergil at first).

PS. I'm biased- V rules Nero drools- NO REGRETS!!!!!!!

Outside of a flashback, he's just gonna pop up as Vergil's conscious or an alter living in his head with Urizen.

Right now I'd settle for a Summoner style in a future Vergil game and Visions of V starts being more daring with its material. Or a DLC where V wanders around during the month in between the first two levels and stumbles upon a place Vergil visited.

There's always an alternate universe but that feels too much like a cheat.

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Eh, not really, no. But I'd like his concept of fighting with familiars to come back. It was kinda rough around the edges in DMC5, but with a few adjustments to how the creatures handle it could really rock.
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Him being Vergil's humanity is a waste of a good idea. Ironically Nero being a younger Dante would feel more believable. V and Nero have the opposite problem (he feels too reminiscent of Dante while V felt too little of Vergil at first).

PS. I'm biased- V rules Nero drools- NO REGRETS!!!!!!!

Outside of a flashback, he's just gonna pop up as Vergil's conscious or an alter living in his head with Urizen.

Right now I'd settle for a Summoner style in a future Vergil game and Visions of V starts being more daring with its material. Or a DLC where V wanders around during the month in between the first two levels and stumbles upon a place Vergil visited.

There's always an alternate universe but that feels too much like a cheat.

Hmm even if they didn't bring him back in a gameplay sense, id still love if they did something like what batman arkham knight did with joker, just have V randomly show up and give his thoughts on what vergils doing maybe? That would be a cool contrast on how the two are different.
Hmm...I feel like anything interesting they could have done with V's character has ended now so I wouldn't care to see him return in any shape.

His mechanics of fighting with familiars definitely should return if they can iron out the growing pains it had.
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I can't remember where I read it. But I did read somewhere that Dan Southworth said if he played Vergil again, he'd be taking cues from Brian Hanford's performance as V. Makes sense, since Vergil's now accepted his humanity as part of his being. he'd no longer feel the need to repress it.
As others mentioned, not necessarily bring back V himself but his "demon pet" mechanic.

It would be "pure fanservice" if the character can summon various types of demons and players can toggle which demon summon they wanna bring along in a mission, like have Sin Scissors for long ranged attack, Marionette for close-range, etc.
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It worked in the context of Vergil having a split personality. If V appears again and Vergil is both his good and bad self combined I'm not sure how that'd work. But I guess it could.
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