I believe ANY game can have a good story, or at least a enjoyable one regardless of the genre, FPS like the Bioshock series, H&S like DMC1,DmC and maybe Darksiders,cover-shooters like Uncharted and platformers like Jak or Ratchet and Clank are pretty good examples of not amazing-yet-well-put stories in several genres
Again, this is all in my opinion, but Im sure you can find some of your own examples within your favorites genres
That's exactly the thing here, Fran: i enjoy DMC stories, i like the characters a lot (Dante and Vergil are among my favourite characters from all videogame story, along with X and Big Boss, for example), i like the context and the morals behind it, i like Dante's family issues, i like his " funny uncle" acting towards Nero in DMC4, his over-the-top action moments in DMC3, i like how he express his personality and how he endured a ****ed life with no one around to care for him and he still smiles, jokes and party in every situation he can do it. I enjoy DMC story and plot too, even if they are much less "deeper" or complex as another franchises that i love like MGS, i know if i'm looking to a story-driven game i should look into different genres and franchises. In the end of the day this comes to a difference of what you value more and enjoy seeing in a videogame. I don't like DmC context, story, morals, characters; therefore i don't find the story to be enjoyable as for the most part of the game i feel disgust towards Dante and Vergil's acts, even with all the plot going on that abortion scene was not enjoyable to me at all, later in the game i was able to even laugh at Dante using it to provoke Mundus because i realized how the writters tried to take this story in a serious manner but ended creating a thing in the same level of the previous DMCs but with a more social tone.