Why I Don't Need Another Devil May Cry Game

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Jun 8, 2012
It's been 5 years since 2012. I remember it vividly. I was in college. We were all waiting to see how DmC was going to turn out. There were alot of arguments, alot of quality discussions, and alot of worrying about the future of the franchise. Since then, I've graduated with a Bachelors, fallen in love plenty, lost friends, seen friends get married, worked many different jobs, put family members to rest.

And after all that time, we are still waiting for a Devil May Cry 5.

Looking through the topics and comment threads on this forum, it's incredible to me how well it can still function, and how passionate this fanbase still is for these characters, and this universe, and this story. I think one of the reasons, is partly because of how much we've all connected to these games, and to each other. But the other half, I think, is probably because of the negative aspects as well.

The series was created by Hideki Kamiya, and yet Devil May Cry was the only game he was allowed to work on. Since then, even through the series' best moments, the games have suffered through numerous plot holes and inconsistencies with each new team. Plot ideas are suggested, teased, and summarily abandoned. Character designs and voice actors frequently change, for no apparent reason. Even the tone and characterizations are wildly different between games. It's these problems that keep me coming back; maybe looking for some kind of closure, or searching for something that will set these problems right; that will make everything in Dante's world make sense. But the thing that stays in the back of my mind, since the fast-tracked release of Devil May Cry 2 on January 25th 2003, is that Dante is still lost in the Underworld; a plot thread that as of yet, has never been resolved. And I think about this, and year to year it clings to me. Why?

I think it's because I feel that I owe alot of who I am today because of Dante. Confidence. Righteousness. Bravery. Years ago, I saw someone who showed me how to stand tall, even if I was standing alone. Even if I was literally standing at the doorway to Hell. (I wasn't, but he sure as **** was.) Did I want to be the kind of person who would turn away and hide? Or would I be the kind of person who smiles, and then jumps in? Did I want to be the kind of person who turned a blind eye to those around me? Or did I want to take the time to learn what was broken in others, and try to fix it? To take enemies and turn them into family. Dante himself never had any family growing up. So he made one. Out of people who were lost. People who showed him how to be better. Who taught him how to follow what was in his heart. To fight with his soul.

And that stayed with me.

For whatever reason, I happened to be at the right age, in the right place, at the right time to experience these games, and looking back at the nearly two decades I've spent playing this series, even now, these characters continue to resonate with me. Even after all this time, I still care about Dante. I think about him riding his motorcycle, whipping through a flat desert-like terrain in the Underworld, and I wish there was something I could do to bring him back.

It's not because I'm naive. I know why Dante is in the Underworld, and it has nothing to do with Argosax and flipping a coin. Partly, Dante is still in the Underworld because CAPCOM fast-tracked a poorly made sequel with a different development team, that they still don't know what to do with. Another reason is that CAPCOM let go all the former staff who created the series in the first place. But the real reason that Dante is still in the Underworld, is actually because of money.

Devil May Cry isn't just a videogame about a slick supernatural detective fighting demons. It's a multi-million dollar investment and money maker with a global audience. Dante isn't real. He's the face of a videogame series that has been put on indefinite hiatus by a company that places more value in their sales than in creating something they can be proud of. That isn't a strategy that makes compelling stories, or takes chances, or challenges me to be a better person. That's the kind of thinking that alienates the people who supported the franchise in the first place. It's creative and intellectual death. We don't tell stories to make a profit. We tell stories to share ideas. To share culture. To create art. To make heroes.

Dante isn't really in the Underworld. He's stuck in a filing cabinet while corporate developers squabble over the fiscal risks of reintroducing a series that has been treading water for nearly a decade. What kind of creativity can be expected to come from that? What kind of honesty to the integrity of the character? What kind of Dante will we get next? As the record stands, a consistent depiction of the character doesn't even exist at this point. So then, who is Dante really?

I like to think that Dante is, in part, all of us. The part of us that felt different after playing as him. The part of us that saw a dark hallway filled with monsters, and got scared... until the rock music kicked in... and we realized that we didn't have to be afraid. We were the ones the monsters were afraid of. In fact, we didn't have to be scared at all. The jumping, the music, the flash and bang in the dark. This isn't what being scared feels like. This was more like a party...

On the surface, Devil May Cry might just seem like some weird 2000's videogame about a trash talking, half-demon Blade ripoff in a red coat who gets stabbed with his own sword. But that's because it is. And it changed the way people made videogames for the following decade with more brains and balls and imagination than almost everything preceding it. I'll always have incredible memories from Devil May Cry, but I simply cannot trust CAPCOM to produce another entry when it's clear that they never understood what was special about it in the first place. Whatever games eventually follow at this point, it's not my intention to buy them. I don't need CAPCOM to keep trying to take stabs at telling me what I already know.

Is Dante really still trapped in the Underworld? Knowing him as well as I do, I doubt it. And even though that specific story has yet to be told, something tells me that I don't need someone else to tell it to me anymore.

So why do I still love Devil May Cry?

Because a long time ago, a ten year old kid sat in his basement and saw a bombshell blonde on a red motorcycle crash into a dingy office in the middle of the night and stab a man in a red coat with a sword because she didn't have to use the bathroom. And if you have any idea what I'm talking about, then I think you guys know the rest.
No one really "needs" another DMC game. But I sure want one because they are fun games to play. I think many of us have put DMC on an insanely high pedestal of almost Messiah-like importance (probably because of how starved we are for a sequel). But for me they are just fun action games that I would like more of because who doesn't like fun. Sadly, I've pretty much given up hope there will ever be another game in the series. If Capcom's emphasis on HD remasters and releasing new games for Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and not much else is anything to go by, is they don't have the money for anything else. And frankly, I doubt they ever will.
I'll be honest. When I read the title, I got mad at you. But when I read all of it, I went through a roller coaster of emotions. I can't tell how relatable it was and thank you for giving me a chance to remember those days when I played my first DMC as a child and all the passed years spent with heated discussions, fan arts, admirations and every kind of fangasm.

Dante and the whole verse of DMC will always hold a special place in my heart. And because of this I understand your reasons. But I don't really think we as a fanbase really need a "masterpiece" or a "work of art" from Capcom. I believe we already reached that point twice with DMC1 and DMC3. It already is special to each and every one of us. We don't even really need all those plot holes tied. I believe we just need to see our old friends in action one more time. Just for the old times' sake. And if it comes to this, a goodbye they deserve.

They want a game to sell and they probably know how passionate this fanbase is. I for one bought every DMC game at least twice just to promote it to my friends. If they get the gameplay right, don't drown us with DLCs and give us a fest of fanservice that we'd all like, then I have no reason no give up on a possible new DMC. In fact, I think it's very possible and when it comes, I'll welcome it with open arms.

I share your concerns. I also had concerns way back when the DmC E3 trailer came out; but nevertheless it was far from a bad game, it had a perspective of it's own and it was fun to play. Even though I have an animosity towards it I can't help but play it and think about it from time to time. This also applies to both DMC4 and DMC2. And I'm ready to do it for DMC5 too.

I guess what I mean is, as long as it's a decent DMC game, it doesn't have to be perfect. If it ever comes out, let's hope that it lives up to it's heritage and it's fanbase's love and hype.
Its a nicely written post.

I think my interest in DMC has waned considerably but I like this forum and its posters and I stick around for the community even if alas, that too will come to an end.

I do go on other forums and the funny thing is I see other fandoms having the same problems/complaints we do so maybe things aren't as bad as we make it out to be.
Its a nicely written post.

I think my interest in DMC has waned considerably but I like this forum and its posters and I stick around for the community even if alas, that too will come to an end.

I do go on other forums and the funny thing is I see other fandoms having the same problems/complaints we do so maybe things aren't as bad as we make it out to be.
Absolutely agree. I'd be lying if I said I love DMC as much as I used to. It really hit me home when I was writing my top 10 favorite games ever list and I realize DMC3 was toward the bottom when it used to be at the top. Even though basically everything that I can say about DMC has already been said, I still like coming back here because you're all such an awesome group of people. And while we all have our love of DMC in common, we also have enough other stuff to share and discuss to keep this forum going for years to come. :happy:
Who's Dante? O_o

Nice post :thumbsup:

You're right, in my opinion, about everything that you said.

I don't even know if making another game would be a good idea at this point for lots of reasons. It'd be nice to have one, but I don't know if it would be worth it or even pay off in the end.
I hope we get a new one just because it will be something new to talk about (and it might be fun).

I'm sad we might not get another game but I went through this already with Jak and Daxter and Prince of Persia. Eventually something else will catch my eye and the fan saga renews.
damn that hit right in the feels... i gotta say i came in curious as i really love DMC and im one that has to it to messiah levels when it comes to games ive played. that being said i still cant help but to agree with everything you've said, as much as i would want/need a DMC5, i dont want some sloppy bs or some quick thought out thing, i want something that's been made with love and care.
Sure I don't "need" another game in either timeline, but it would be nice to see how the story ends, otherwise it feels incomplete.

You're right, but either way they'd have to (1) come to terms and acknowledge DMC 2's existence in the timeline, and (2) actually create a story that DOES explain something. In regards to any continuation in terms of story, 1 and 3 are the only passable exceptions. Even then they never properly explained what happened to Vergil, we just had to figure it out for ourselves. DMC 5 would have to genuinely act as a direct follow on from DMC 2's ending to give us any sense of closure. Either that, or they'd have to do some kind of game centred around Nero and his origins. Y'know, one that actually shows us what the hell is up with him and his Devil Bringer.
I actually agree with pretty much all of the above.

To be honest, while I've stopped careing about the story in the games, I return to them for the gameplay.
There are just so many elements in DMC that makes these games unique.

But even if they do another, they'd have to really pull a lot of strings in terms of gameplay and innovate in the right directions to make me want to pick it up. But I think that's a topic that has been discussed to death so I'll leave it at that.

Thinking about it in a different light: Any game in this genre done right is welcome to actually, since I've been starving for something new, and I'm not talkin about God of War clones.... something that emulates the systems that DMC has, a freeflow combat system, haven't seen something like that in ages!

Just my two cents on the matter, a bit incoherent but so be it.
I lived and breathed DMC for years. But all this time, while I still love these games to no end (cept DMC2, and even DmC even though I was one of the many skeptics going in, and even for a couple of years after the game came out)

I'm not gonna obsess with whether or not another game is coming. I'll still stick with these forums (Why wouldn't I? I've met some pretty awesome people here. Like LoD, Foxy, and even if we have had some arguments on some topics, Wolf and Dragon), still fanboy over all 4 games (What is this Devil May Cry 2 you speak of?) and will be hyped as hell if the debut trailer for another game is unveiled (DMC5, DmC2, or another remake or reboot. Or even if they just announce Dante for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite).

But what I'm saying is.....I got other games to hold me over if it never happens.
I've met a lot of people thanks to this fanbase and I'll never forget them. I keep in regular contact with many of them and one of them I even long-term collaborate on stories with. I don't think I'll ever let my memories die, if my 7 years and ongoing time here means anything.
I've met a lot of people thanks to this fanbase and I'll never forget them. I keep in regular contact with many of them and one of them I even long-term collaborate on stories with. I don't think I'll ever let my memories die, if my 7 years and ongoing time here means anything.

See, that's a nice thing. Having made friends because of the game's fanbase.

Also, I know it's not the same as playing another game, but you could always indulge yourself in some poorly written fan-fiction (like the stuff I infrequently write).
I don't really see them ending the story in a DMC5, they'll just have another adventure. It could tie a few things up from Nero's origins but I don't really seeing them touching dmc2.

That's fine if its a good story and im interested in whats going on or if im interested in the characters. I think people would excuse plot problems if its characters they really care about. The story of re6 isnt that good but i dont mind because jake and sherry are so cool together (same with ff13-2 and Noel and serah).

Hell i think Jake was a better DMC3 Dante and Noel was a better nero to me so maybe just get those writers to come in and do DMC....:cool:
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That was a good read and I can relate to the fear of a favorite character and franchise being ruined due to the the owners caring more about their profits than anything else.
My favorite character ever, Duke Nukem, has been torn to pieces by those pieces of trash over at Gearbox and are making things worse with every attempt.
The only legally available products of my favorite character are the infamous DNF, a poorly done(and overpriced) port of my favorite video game ever and him having a half assed guest appearance in a disgustingly overpriced remaster.
All while the far better products have been removed from legal sale and have no sign of coming back.
On top of that, the piece of trash executives have insulted the fandom and continue to make things worse every single day.
It's heart breaking to see that happen to the character who started my love of gaming and as much as I want to see him back in a great game, I'd rather he just be put down at this point, because it's too painful seeing him be done this way.
A part of me died when I heard him use a hashtag joke in the Bulletstorm remaster.

But in Dante and Devil May Cry's case, there may still be some hope, I mean Capcom did well by returning Resident Evil back to it's roots and the Japan side of gaming has been on one hell of a role lately.

With where the story goes I would rather they just forget DMC2 ever existed(like I have) and make a new plot line continuing on from DMC4 with Dante and the rest of the crew, because that's the Dante and the crew I want to see again.
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I think as much as we complain about DMC's story, our problems aren't that unique. I've seen the same complaints people for Nero pop up for Arno of AC Unity. And people complain about Roxas's inconsistencies between his portrayal in 358/2 days and his portrayal in KH2 and they are written by most of the same team.

What im trying to say is that we could be a little more optimistic about it's story.
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I don't care if this series doesn't last forever. However I do want the series to have the ending it deserves. I'd rather DMC5 be the best game it could be and end it off there with good closure to the story and it's cast. Not slowly have the franchise fade away into nothingness like it's doing now after a single attempt at a reboot failed to meet their expectations.