lets just hope that DMC5 do justice and not miss so of the most important thing that gave you the reason to love DMC in the first place.^_^
Exactly. It's hard to believe it used to be about a bunch of people in a mansion with zombies.Resident evil !!! I was just wondering how much ridiculous this series can get in terms of story
Most things you're talking about are insignificant. While I didn't like DMC4 as much as DMC3, it was still great. Things like 'Oh noes, they gave Trish a boob job' aren't going to change that.
I guess DMC4's main problem was that it was too repetitive, and the bosses weren't that great. Otherwise, it was quite good - especially when compared to DmC.
You said that DMC4 was more anime-like... more anime-like than what? DMC3? That's simply not the case. You also said that DMC4 was cheesy - yeah, and DMC1, 2 and 3 aren't?
Resident evil !!! I was just wondering how much ridiculous this series can get in terms of story
Every story seems like a rehash of the previous titles i mean C-virus ??? is this all they can come up with ? wesker's son from nowhere and C-virus WTF ?? G virus, X virus, M virus ,F** Virus it seems like Capcom is running out of ideas
they have to understand that every game doesn't need a virus outbreak to make it a block-buster they need to do some innovation i liked the revelations it was set in a ship
Nero isn't a terribly bad character its just his "Mysterious" lineage which butchers the storyi meant more on how the new character was being introduced as they seemed to be avoiding most of the mistakes they made with nero.
It is strange they shrouded Nero in such mystery, yet never explain him. Why isn't Dante in the least bit interested that they look identical? Or that his DT looks like Nelo Angelo?
Nero isn't a terribly bad character its just his "Mysterious" lineage which butchers the story
If you read anything I wrote previously, it's obvious why Devil May Cry 4 isn't as good as other games. The lack of a serious Dante distracted from the story, which isn't even a good story anyway. Nero is a whiny character, and pointless considering Dante could easily end the oncoming conflict (but for some reason decides not to). The gameplay is good, but shows no innovation. It uses recycled gameplay from Devil May Cry 3, so it's no wonder why combat is at it's best. The only new thing the game shows is the fantastically designed boss battles. Otherwise, it's just a cheese fest. The plot, to sum it up, is like a anime that makes no sense at all. A huge disappointment.
The part I highlighted in red is simply your opinion, not a fact. I didn't find Nero whiny at all; he was simply more 'human' than Dante, and finally showed some emotion as opposed to Dante's constant gibing.
People also seem to get their panties in a bunch over the fact that DMC4 featured a love story. So what? Can't we have those in games or anime anymore? I don't see why it would be worse than any other generic story.
The part I highlighted in red is simply your opinion, not a fact. I didn't find Nero whiny at all; he was simply more 'human' than Dante, and finally showed some emotion as opposed to Dante's constant gibing.
People also seem to get their panties in a bunch over the fact that DMC4 featured a love story. So what? Can't we have those in games or anime anymore? I don't see why it would be worse than any other generic story.
I am surprised that people say DMC 4 was not as good even though it sold the second biggest amount of copies in the franchise (The first being DMC 1 at 2.99 million and DMC 4 is at 2.8 million.)
One that was not as good as the others I think a lot of people will agree with this is DMC 2.
DMC 4 had a love story which in my eyes was not needed but I did not mind as it allowed the story to progress as it meant Nero had something to fight for. Also I posted on a different thread that someone said that Nero's dad is Vergil making him a Bas*ard son and a decedent of Sparda. Whether it is true or not...I do not know.
Because DMC 4 was a multi-platform game :troll: and original DMC 1 was only exclusive for ps2 and DMC 3 was also exclusive until they released the S.E so by this generation's standards and being a multi-platform game its doesn't fair
allowed the story to progress what ?? DMC 4 just fuc**ed it all up my friend it totally galvanized the story-line
Not really as it showed Nero becoming what he was meant to be and that was a true decedent of Sparda. His love interest in trouble made him push himself more and become the new hero who will start his own legacy just like Sparda did. A demon (in Nero's case a 1/4 demon) turning on his own kind to save the world (In this case his own faction The Order of the Sword) and the Human woman he fell in love with (Kiria)
And before anyone says how can he be a decedent of Sparda or he is a plot hole, he is Vergil's son officially. Link was provided by 788Masri on another thread it is the third point:
Whatever speculation or whatever facts you may show to prove that nero is a descendant of sparda but in the actual game there is not even a single cut-scense which actually explains who the fu*k nero is
The story is just eh......beyond my sanity i prefer DmC's story over DMC 4's story anytime !!![]()