Why Change is bad

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Would you have liked to see DMC games (sequel/prequels) made by Hideki and DMC 1 people?

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    Votes: 19 86.4%
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    Votes: 3 13.6%

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I would say your contradicting yourself in this quote

DmC Dante is a character that's shaped mostly on DMC Dante's character. But he's not DMC Dante. So how are you not saying that he's not the same character as DMC Dante when your saying Dante's looks have been changed.

DmC Dante has not been in any other DMC game. His first time as character is in DmC. So how is his looks been changed?

It's a bit of a tonguetwister, isn't it? I will try and explain myself as well as I can, but it might get confusing:

Original Dante and new Dante are meant to be basically the same character, but from two different worlds and are therefore not directly related. However, the person that is Dante remains in both of them, being one with otherworldly powers, demon hunters, gunslingers, swordsmen, coat-wearing, snide and laid back personalities and so on. As individuals, they are two persons, not the same person, but what makes them both Dante is the way they are as characters. New Dante have some features about him that makes him unique from the original Dante, to show that he is indeed not original Dante, that they are two seperate characters, yet they are still so alike due to the fact that they are both carved out from the same wood, but with different carpenters (just throw that analogy in there. :P ), Hideki Kamiya (was that spelled right?) made the original Dante, Ninja Theory made the new Dante.

The new Dante is the original Dante from another world, from an alternate plane that runs parallel with the original plane, carved from the same wood but formed differently from one another to befit the target group of gamers.

They aren't the same character, yet they are. It really is a contradiction in itself which I guess is what confuses so many people. I see them as two different individuals though. Original Dante and new Dante. Like Megaman and Megaman.EXE, two different characters, but still the same on so many levels. (I know, I love using Megaman as an example, but I just think it fits so perfectly with the issue at hand.)

You might disagree with all of this, but that's how I see it anyways and Capcom hasn't given me reason to think otherwise.
Man you're confusing a EASY thing into a sand mountain DanteX from DmC is simply and alternative version of dante like weakened version of dante
Man you're confusing a EASY thing into a sand mountain DanteX from DmC is simply and alternative version of dante like weakened version of dante

"Weakened" is your personal opinion, but the rest is how I see it. An alternate version.
It's a bit of a tonguetwister, isn't it? I will try and explain myself as well as I can, but it might get confusing:

Original Dante and new Dante are meant to be basically the same character, but from two different worlds and are therefore not directly related. However, the person that is Dante remains in both of them, being one with otherworldly powers, demon hunters, gunslingers, swordsmen, coat-wearing, snide and laid back personalities and so on. As individuals, they are two persons, not the same person, but what makes them both Dante is the way they are as characters. New Dante have some features about him that makes him unique from the original Dante, to show that he is indeed not original Dante, that they are two seperate characters, yet they are still so alike due to the fact that they are both carved out from the same wood, but with different carpenters (just throw that analogy in there. :p ), Hideki Kamiya (was that spelled right?) made the original Dante, Ninja Theory made the new Dante.
A longbow, short bow and crossbow carved out of same wood does not make them the same. You are speaking of Dante in a reboot sense. By that logic a mother with long white hair, guns, a sword and demon power, and same personality as Dante is Dante. There is no "Dante person" but only similarities. DmC Dante is using ideas from DMC Dante because of Capcom's decision. Nero has many similarities with Dante - by your logic he is "Dante" because the things that define Dante remains in him.

The new Dante is the original Dante from another world, from an alternate plane that runs parallel with the original plane, carved from the same wood but formed differently from one another to befit the target group of gamers.
If that parallel universe excuse was to be true then we would have seen DmC and DMC Dante meet up in one of the worlds. But that's not the case, and "parallel universe" and "reboot" is just a way for a game company to change something as they please.

They aren't the same character, yet they are. It really is a contradiction in itself which I guess is what confuses so many people. I see them as two different individuals though. Original Dante and new Dante. Like Megaman and Megaman.EXE, two different characters, but still the same on so many levels. (I know, I love using Megaman as an example, but I just think it fits so perfectly with the issue at hand.)
He's a new Dante. But he's not DMC Dante.

You might disagree with all of this, but that's how I see it anyways and Capcom hasn't given me reason to think otherwise.
Even if they have similarities they are not the same character. Is Venom Spiderman just because he is similar to him?
Even if they have similarities they are not the same character. Is Venom Spiderman just because he is similar to him?

Again you missed my point. I tried explaining it as well I could, if you don't get it, there's nothing more I can do. Sorry.
Again you missed my point. I tried explaining it as well I could, if you don't get it, there's nothing more I can do. Sorry.
I haven't missed them. You just use similarities to say they are the "same person" but ignore their differences. I can do the same with Nero, i can ignore that his name is Nero, then he would be easily be "Dante".
I haven't missed them. You just use similarities to say they are the "same person" but ignore their differences. I can do the same with Nero, i can ignore that his name is Nero, then he would be easily be "Dante".

That was exactly not what I did, but whatever. I'm not going to entertain you any longer.
....I liked 1Dante best.

I mean, 4 is my favorite and I really, really like Nero, but I think 1Dante was best. Cool, composed characters are nice and all, but I only really enjoy them when they lose their cool at least once. Like Vergil. ("Why isn't it working?!" <- this made him for me.) 1Dante had that moment of showing another side of himself ("----LIIIIGHT!!!") but 3Dante didn't really. He kept totally cool even when Lady made him realize things and when fighting Vergil. Sure, it's implied he cried at the end, but he kept the exact same attitude even at that time.

1 didn't really lend itself to a sequel, but I do think it would have been possible. Not the way 2 did it, but maybe (I'm partial to it) something playing on Dante's joke about Mundus saying hello to his son. Or even just making up a more interesting plot from whole cloth. It's not like it's impossible. Look at the Uncharted games. They're a new thing every time.
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^i liked DMC3 Dante the best but thats cause of the story.

Well you could have had him go against the 7 princes of hell, or the other 6. Or you could go thru different mythologies.
I think Nero might have happened as Dante having a kidd or finding Vergil's kid. Or vergil could have had a kid and raised him to be a mundus lover a la The Secret Apprentice from the force unleashed.
alot of Legacy of Kain fans weren't happy when Kain was dropped for Raziel (in fact, it probably kicked up a bit of a stink like the new Dante). But fans came around to Raziel... some of them now prefer Raz over Kain (sympathy for the character). I can't see the same happening with the new Dante, but change can be good... but it has to be done a certain way
alot of Legacy of Kain fans weren't happy when Kain was dropped for Raziel (in fact, it probably kicked up a bit of a stink like the new Dante). But fans came around to Raziel... some of them now prefer Raz over Kain (sympathy for the character). I can't see the same happening with the new Dante, but change can be good... but it has to be done a certain way
Raziel is a new character. That's why Nero is a cool character - he's not a Dante poser.
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Nero is a cool character (I've been replaying DMC4)... but he grates on me because there's probably a a 3minute video of him somewhere just saying 'Kyrie' in a whinging voice...
I would actually say that Nero is alot more of a poser than the new Dante is. Nero looks too much like Dante than what good is. Not only does he have the same style of hair, he also has the same style of clothes and his fighting style is like Dante's. The only thing unique about Nero is his grapple arm.
I would actually say that Nero is alot more of a poser than the new Dante is. Nero looks too much like Dante than what good is. Not only does he have the same style of hair, he also has the same style of clothes and his fighting style is like Dante's. The only thing unique about Nero is his grapple arm.
Well what makes NeoDante more of a poser is the fact:
1) His name is Dante
2) "My name is Dante" line
3) He has all the stuff that Dante has

And what even makes Nero less of a poser:
1) His name is Nero
2) He is a descendent of Sparda
3) His weapons are unique. A magnum weapon, and a Fire kind of sword.
4) He may be Vergil's son or whatever.

If i wore a jacket that looked like Dante's jacket and i had white hair - would that make me a Dante poser? No.
Because i have white hair because htat's how things are. And me wearing a red jacket is just a coincedence.

And Nero isn't saying he's Dante. He is Nero, he isn't trying to come off as anyone but himself. So he's not much of a Dante poser.

NeoDante pose scale = 10.
Nero posing Dante scale = 1.

And to top it off i will present this video:
I have such a different definition of the term "poser". Over here, you all someone a "poser" then you mean someone who is trying to get the attention of other people by driving an expensive car or wearing flashy designer clothing. Do people here mean "imitator" when they talk about being a "poser"?