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Why Change is bad

Would you have liked to see DMC games (sequel/prequels) made by Hideki and DMC 1 people?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 86.4%
  • No

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters


X will never be Y
I have such a different definition of the term "poser". Over here, you all someone a "poser" then you mean someone who is trying to get the attention of other people by driving an expensive car or wearing flashy designer clothing. Do people here mean "imitator" when they talk about being a "poser"?
When you pose you pose for the camera. For example imagine you standing in a special way for the camera.

But when you pose as someone else it's you trying to say your someone your not.

Example if i looked exactly like one of Beatles singer, and i did everything as him, does that make me the beatle artist? No, it makes me a poser.


Is not rat, is hamster
Hmm - one of the many ways us Brits have screwed up our own language ;)

Still, I get the context now so it's less confusing. Thanks :)


X will never be Y
Hmm - one of the many ways us Brits have screwed up our own language ;)

Still, I get the context now so it's less confusing. Thanks :)
Communication is very hard. There is many misunderstandings. That's why there religion is used as excuse for killing innocent people, because the humans are fools who can't understand the Quran.


Le bystander
i don't want to sound discriminating but since some don't like japanese created dante.....well others aren't going to like european/brit dante either.
these days its only uk and other european peeps who attack me when i say my opinion of DmC.
and sometimes gays and american emo people too.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
^Depends on your opinion.

if you call him a fag than I'm gonna give you ****.

On topic, it depends on what they have to bring to the table.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Now the word "Change" can mean many things.

1) Natural changes that happen to a character. Such as Snake in Metal Gear Rising. Snake is old.

2) Change in direction for a game. Such as a reboot, character change etc.

I wanted to say that because i have read many times people in DmC controversy has said "Fans are afraid of change" without stating what kind of change.
When Nero became main character of DMC 4 you never saw me go "OMG get that dumb ass out of the DMC stage!". No i did not do that so that should say that i, CoolDemon, am not afraid of change.

Anyhow on to the main point (Change #2):
The Legacy of Kain is a game serie that i like alot. And i like Blood Omen 2 the most. The people who made this game did a good job. And so if Blood Omen 3 is handed to developers and people who have not worked with Blood Omen 2 then i will be "Darn".

I hope that Blood Omen 3 (rumours with high probability that it's coming) will be designed by many of the people who made Blood Omen 2.

I liked Devil May Cry 1 alot. And every since Hideki (who by the way seems to have MAJOR role) left Capcom DMC story and characters went down drain.
Sure Dante kept being "Dante" to certain degree, but the story that i liked alot was killed. In DMC 3 and 4 Dante became more of a cheesy cool line character.
So when Hideki was no longer in the team i feel that the story and the presence of Dante in DMC went away.

So i will ask this question:
Have you ever wondered how DMC 2 story (and evetually 3 and 4) would be like with Hideki? would it be better you think?

By the way vote in the poll.

P.S I wish we had cutscenes of Dante and Vergil when they were kids. :/

I too feel that way. DMC1 felt like playing a movie in the form of a video game, and that's what attracted me to it for that. Then DMC2 came and it kind of felt like a drag to get through. It felt like a downloadable game like Infamous: Festival of Blood, it wasn't really part of the story, it was extra gameplay. DMC3 was the best DMC to me, but it kind of lacked that ingenuity that DMC1 was badass for. Also, while I was playing it for so long, I kind of realized DMC3 was kind of Capcom's version of "Inuyasha" an anime about a half breed demon, killing demons. Inuyasha had white long hair, a red outfit, and a large sword. See?:


They kind of do have a small similarity in story, mythology and the fact that both their fathers are demon legends and both end up fighting their brothers.

Then there was DMC4. Nero was actually my favorite character in that game, still is. I felt they cheated Dante fans though. Yeah you could use Dante and be stylish, but all you do with him is back track from playing as Nero. The story for DMC4 was more like an anime, in fact, the game reminded me too much of Bleach, a very popular anime series. (Look it up) Plus, Nero and Ichigo are way too much alike. Both have that narrow eyebrow expression almost all the time, both use large swords, and both get katanas when the wanna get serious. Hell, they're both voiced by the same guy!:

Nero(DMC4) and Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

And Kyrie and Orihime look alike as well. They're voiced by the smae girl too!:

They practically look like twins!!
I still like the games though, just sayin'.

Now for DmC: Devil May Cry. It feels nothing like DMC1 at all from what I've seen. But the game hasn't come out yet so I can't really say, however the new Dante looks like a character out of a movie so I guess I'm likin' that. Plus I looove the jacket he wears! It's flippin' cool! So anyway, change is good and bad; depending on what you want.

Sorry, Inuyasha pic didn't come up! :(


X will never be Y
It's cool. I have seen Inuyasha and Bleach.
I still watch Bleach :)

And yes Kyrie does remind me sorta of Orohime.

These things you have showed is the reasons i hope to be original when i create something.
I don't want people to see "OH this is simialr to this".


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Actually a sequel would be awesome , just have mundus return in a more
powerful state
plus we could have both Nero and dante and vergil and (sighs in fantasy) lady ( just
joking guys) and trish and kyrie and most importantly name the sequel DMC 6 just to annoy fans :D
edit: and itsuno and kamiya could work together

What's wrong with Lady?:confused:

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
@cool demon-
thats the eternal dillema of creators everywhere because you dont create in a vacuum. You will be unconciously inspired by everything you have seen or taken part of whether or not you like it.

On topic, change is when you are doing it for the wrong reasons.


Humanoid Typhoon
The poll is so hypothetical, that i voted for yes, i would have liked the original team to make everything that followed dmc1. But then......
after i voted, i thought about dmc3.... dmc3 is by far the funnest hack and slash around. There's no random style switch, the weapons only toggle 2 melee and 2 devil arms. It was, for me, the most natural change that was needed in DMC..

so, yea, i voted for a distant dream, that i could fantasize about when im a sleep. But i know the changes that were made in dmc3 proves that change is good.


Well-known Member
change it's pretty cool but not to change that much of the character they making him like a junky bro's come on check him out he is really looking so bad

all of us love change but only if the changing to be better not worse check out the change of the character between the dmc2 & dmc3 aaaaaaah i'm really missing our real dante & let the new one ( dmc5 ) burn it self :S
but i'm sign up to this awesome website because i hate the new dmc ( dmc5 ) & really missing our lovely dante that we use to it & if u ask me that if i hate the change's by that way i will say hell yeah
& forgive me for my opinion


X will never be Y
Change is good; it stops things from stagnating.
As i said in my first post: it depends on what kind of change your thinking of.

There is many kinds of change.

If i just say "Change is bad", then it would mean all change is bad? No. You have to spesify.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Ok people. How about we put it like this
old dante was immature
Nero was a whiny bitch
new dantes a Gary stu


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I don't mind the change in Dante. This was what he looked like at first;

He looked awful. The jacket sucked, the "no boots" angst me, and he kind of looked like a certain video game director we can't stand, mixed with a certain sparkle vampire we all know *Cough* Twilight*Cough*

But then came a better redesign (In my eyes);

He actually looks better. What with his face filled with more life, his coat looking cooler, and he now has that good old DMC flavor of a sword on his back. Plus from this pic he looks a lot more cockier now, so that's good. I'm just glad they changed the look from 2010.
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