I can't really remember any of the scenes in DMC4 but I remember liking Nero more since he was much more grounded in 'reality', the same reason I like the new Dante.
awesome overload
Well I dont think it needed a reboot but I guess I can kind of sorta see why they did it...maybe? I actually have no idea. But even if I dont like it complaining wont get me anywhere so I dont. I just did not buy the game. That is the most effective thing I as a consumer can do.
I am glad some people like the reboot but its not for me. Well except maybe the sick ass scenery haha. NT did VERY well on that.
Bayonetta was borderline pornography that it made my eyes roll. It was like the developers wet dreams in video game form. Plus, I don't find Bayonetta all that sexy because she is very misproportioned. Her legs are very long to more of an odd sense.
I know it does not make much of a difference but it still is the most effective thing I can do. Complaining will never change anything. And one person not buying it will not make a difference. But what will is a lot of people not buying it which is so far whats happening.(Not as many as they had expected.)You not buying the game didn't make any difference for DmC's sales, trust me. There will always be people who buy games because they can. Because they've got the money and just want another hack and slash game. Unless we'd all decide not to buy the game, it wouldn't make any difference.
From a gameplay perspective, DmC is so much better. It's more fluid, with every move available at any time without excessive management of styles. The enemies are pretty fun and varied, since you have more ways to play at your disposal, and they make you take advantage of it.
But the story, man. I don't know... it must be about 4 to 5 times better than the previous series, on almost any scale of judgment, except for perhaps cheesiness. I mean, DmC tries from time to time, but it can never reach the levels of cheese exuded by the originals, sorry.
I know it does not make much of a difference but it still is the most effective thing I can do. Complaining will never change anything. And one person not buying it will not make a difference. But what will is a lot of people not buying it which is so far whats happening.(Not as many as they had expected.)
I've played all the games and loved them (except DMC 2) and I will probably miss the old Dante characters, but rather than have another DMC 5 I would like to get a sequel for DmC. I'm happy that a new developers come up with new approach which resulted for example in gorgeous and crazy level design, awesome soundtrack, or best aerial combat in the series. I would appreciate deeper dialogues in cutscenes, better camera system + possibility for hard lock-on as it was in previous games, but overall I'm satisfied with the evolution of this reboot.
Honestly with broken ending of DMC 2 and confusion about Nero, his origin, and basically everything about him in DMC 4 the Devil May Cry really needed a reboot. Not to mention different personality of Dante in every game. His character in DMC 4 (which takes place between DMC 1 and DMC 2) has nothing in common with Dante from DMC 1 or 2. He is a very serious demon killer in DMC 1 , then suddenly he's a cool guy in DMC 4 with cheesy one liners, and once again he's the serious demon killer again in DMC 2, but this time he almost doesn't talk at all. Basically there was never only one Dante, there were several different personalities of Dante. The only thing which all Dantes have common is their look. It's just like Kat said at the end of the game "You are Dante, nothing more and nothing less."
steamcommunity. com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125626791
I really love DMC 1,3 and 4. Every game for its own qualities. But as a series, it's a ridiculous mess.
I hope we'll see DmC 2 from Ninja Theory where they'll further develop the story, Dante and Vergil's relationship and their characters. Cheers![]()
Actually the point of the the title(and dante naming his shop) is where dante is a devil,but he still sheds tears for his loved ones.Kinda off topic, but the title of this game is Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry is the name of Dante's shop...what's Devil May Cry in this game? It's a bit of a nit pick but if they do continue both series for the heck of it the alternate series should just be called DmC without 'Devil May Cry' appearing in the title like it does here. http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2012/08/dmcbox-610x389.jpg
Or, maybe in the sequel if it does get one Dante will open up a shop called Devil May Cry.
Who knows?
You good sir, win a bro hoof /)Actually the point of the the title(and dante naming his shop) is where dante is a devil,but he still sheds tears for his loved ones.
In DMC3,Dante cried after losing Vergil.
In DMC4,Nero cried after failing to protect Kyrie.
In DmC,Donte said **** you.
Actually the point of the the title(and dante naming his shop) is where dante is a devil,but he still sheds tears for his loved ones.
In DMC3,Dante cried after losing Vergil.
In DMC4,Nero cried after failing to protect Kyrie.
In DmC,Donte said **** you.
Hahaha,totally.Oh...well, can''t believe that went over my head, the more you know!
I think Donte missing his wub in some parts of DmC may have had something to do with him being upset. He needs his fix.
The problem is, Bayonetta wasn't trying to be sexy, like that other guy said. It was trying to be over the top, just like Lady Gaga (Christ she's annoying) and some others try to be. It was supposed to be hilariously bad in its execution.
Excessive management of styles just seems to have been replaced by something equally tedious. I don't really see what's excessive about the styles anyway. In DMC4, you just press a d-pad direction and you're done. Nothing excessive about that. You didn't need to switch triggers to use Angel Lift or Demon Pull, so no chance to mess up a combo. You can also switch between weapons with a single button press instead of having to hold a trigger all the time while attacking. You had lock-on, which made it possible to use more attacks. The B button was dedicated to style attacks instead of launching enemies. You could launch simply by holding the left stick back and pressing the attack button, which doesn't interrupt your combos. I thought DMC4's control scheme worked very well, while DmC even now leaves me making mistakes and interrupting the flow of combos.
You're also the only one who asks if you're the only one all the time....So...am I the only one who doesn't want styles to be in the next game? (if there is one)
You know whats funny? Even though Bayonetta wasn't supposed to be as good,which probably meant they weren't trying so hard.
It's still a fantastic game,and I actually really like Bayonetta as a character.