Damn fans with their light porn lol!!
Damn fans with their light porn lol!!
Just a note: Didn't Kyrie and Credo's parents take Nero in as an adopted son? So he's grown up as a brother for Kyrie, right? That's very Twilight of them.
Kyrie with a Nero doll is adorable. What she is wearing is also very nice (it distracts from the adorableness of the fact that she has a Nero doll but i really don't mind.)Everyone in this thread knows that I LOVE Kyrie. She's just so cute and innocent
Sure she had the personality of scotch in a cup (Half empty half full) but that didn't stop me from liking her. She was one of my more "slice of normal" favorite DMC chicks. (Patty is my comic relief favorite DMC girl...She the only comic relief DMC girl.:|) Sooo... yeah I'm gonna leave this here:
You know the only upside to SOPA is no more Rule 34, Me and Applejack looked at it back when we were dating, and she was creeped out as heck, as was I, so please don't use R34. It is discriminating, vile, and above all, it's not even legitimate pornography as it wasn't even made with 2 people, it was drawn by some lonely guy in his basement, I know that rule 34 is a huge part of the internet. But as a legitimate Dovahkiin, I hate rule 34, I am not new to the internet, I am just saying, it's more fun to discriminate people based on Race and Religion rather than Gender.Everyone in this thread knows that I LOVE Kyrie. She's just so cute and innocent
Sure she had the personality of scotch in a cup (Half empty half full) but that didn't stop me from liking her. She was one of my more "slice of normal" favorite DMC chicks. (Patty is my comic relief favorite DMC girl...She the only comic relief DMC girl.:|)
Kyrie is weak, and she kinda lets herself be tossed around like a ragdoll...alot..... but thats the only thing I hear from people.
This is Nero's driving force:
Without her, Nero would be inadvertantly screwed.
dosent anyone else notice something?...... human?........
do I have to spell it?.... I guess I do......
NERO'S IN LOVE. is that weird? YES!
This further shows how much power Kyrie really has.
She had a demon, (Demons dont love, remember) fall in love with her, and even had him follow her to his almost-demise.
She is powerful, but no one seems to see this in her..... I am saddened by this... :'(
You're the demon, not me.
NOO! TAKE MY SIDE MRRANDOMLULZ! DONT KILL MY LEGACY! >_<Nero has a human side to him, His arm (aka the true star of DMC4) was the only demonic part of him.
Here is one of the lines he says to Sanctus
1. Kyrie was asking if she was still alive because after everything that had happened to her she was having trouble believing that she survived
2. She had no way of knowing Credo was dead and and no reason to immediately ask if he is alive every time she couldn't see him. Credo was the Supreme General of the Holy Knights. The idea that he could be killed wouldn't register in her mind and the game ended a few minutes after everything was over she didn't have time to notice that he wasn't anywhere. Credo was a very important person he wouldn't be near Kyrie every second of every day and he would definitely have a lot to do during a crisis. There is absolutely no reason to think that she didn't ask where he is after the game ended.
Do you realize how absurd it is to hate Kyrie because her brother died over the course of the worst day of her life and she did not magically know.(and how absurd it is to call someone who risked her life to protect some random kid she didn't even know selfish. Apparenly being willing to die to give someone a slight chance of survival is something selfish people do now)
You are so good at analyzing things BUT I still think she is selfish and I will continue to hate her. This is my opinion on Kyrie and I so don't want to know what you think of it. Now, I have more reasons to think of her as being a good for nothing. Thanks!. I don't want to know how great Kyrie is and if you like her that much, you can actually also post that you adore her in this thread...Guess you didn't know that. So go ahead, post your love and don't bug me!
You know the only upside to SOPA is no more Rule 34, Me and Applejack looked at it back when we were dating, and she was creeped out as heck, as was I, so please don't use R34. It is discriminating, vile, and above all, it's not even legitimate pornography as it wasn't even made with 2 people, it was drawn by some lonely guy in his basement, I know that rule 34 is a huge part of the internet. But as a legitimate Dovahkiin, I hate rule 34, I am not new to the internet, I am just saying, it's more fun to discriminate people based on Race and Religion rather than Gender.
ps : (original joke I made could be considered offensive) Gingers have no souls. LOLOLOLOLOL
Pss: see what I did there.
I found this post funny. Everyone to their own.
Oh...I take it you saw Applejack porno? hmmm...Hey everyone! What if Dante and every pony made sweet love and Discurd (Forgot the name) got Dante's slopy seconds?
that's more like Vampire Knight. In Twilight, they don't involve brother sister relationships...just some disco ball and a deadbeat hook up. However in Vampire Knight, it involves incest between brother and sister.Just a note: Didn't Kyrie and Credo's parents take Nero in as an adopted son? So he's grown up as a brother for Kyrie, right? That's very Twilight of them.
i have a demon armKyrie didn't have enough screen time to be developed so I can nether hate or love her. She is just a girl who digs a dude with a demon arm.
that's more like Vampire Knight. In Twilight, they don't involve brother sister relationships...just some disco ball and a deadbeat hook up. However in Vampire Knight, it involves incest between brother and sister.