What would you like for DMC5?

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Shall we dance?
Aug 4, 2008
Buying mis-labeled Japanese soda
Ok, this has probably been made before, but let's make this topic a little more official for everyone to discuss and debate. What would YOU like in DMC5?
Debate, converse ideas etc
So here's a sheet to make it a little simpler for you to use.








(Copy and paste these)
You don't have to but it makes it easier.
Sparda's Past: This is the tale of Sparda before Dante and Vergil were even born. Sparda the legendary dark knight and Mundus the prince of the Demon world were best friends in the past... but soon over the times of Sparda spending time in the human world, Mundus and Sparda have become immortal enemies. Sparda must team up with human allies to stop Mundus' destruction and Satan's evil.

Sparda's Return: After the Fortuna incident and Argosax over the years, Dante learns that his father, Sparda is alive. Dante gets Lady and Nero to help find him, while Trish remains in Fortuna to help Kyrie who is now general of the new Order. While there, Dante encounters an old friend of Sparda who is also the son of a human king. A vampiric immortal warrior named Erik has come to seek revenge on those who serve Sparda. While on their journey, Nero learns of his power growing. But is there a reason for him to do this and destroy Dante, and is Nero's arm feeling that Vergil will return?


Dante - The son of the Legendary Dark Knight returns as the main character to find his father.
Nero - After the Fortuna incident, Nero has become a full-fledged knight to the Order. Nero was asked to join Dante on his quest to find Sparda. But it also seems Nero's arm somehow is reacting to an evil presence... can it be Vergil or someone else?
(New Characters will talk about later)

Gameplay: Devil Trigger, Angel Trigger, and Oni Trigger.



Attitude: Cocky, honorable, shy, and funny.
Plot: (two disc game) the first disc a game about sparda his entire history the second would be the actual dmc5 i cant think of a plot but thats how i want the game

Weapons: other than the guns rebellion yamato red queen and the sword sparda idk

Characters: sparda - as a child up to a bit before dmc3
dante - returns as the main character after dmc4 *i dont count dmc2 sence capcom doesnt atm*
sparda - returns in dmc5
(all characters playable at one point)
Gameplay: like dmc4 in both discs but in the second all characters are playable like in dmc4's story but a long enough game where they wouldnt each only go for like 3 missions

Atmosphere: idk what you mean by that

Clothing/costume: i cant think of them

Attitude: idk what u mean
the legendary dark knight sparda has an unknown brother ( armand ) sealed away by sparda becauase he wanted to save humans and sparda didn't at that time.
when sparda turned against demons he returns to his brother for help but armand wasn't there and from that day no one heard any thing about armand.
today dante finds him self out of business and he gets annoyed and take a trip to the demons world to find that there aren't any demons and he gets really annoyed but when he tries to get out of there a portal opens up to him and he goes in it.
when he gets to the other side of the portal he finds him self in a strange world not the demon or the human world
and then he hears battle sounds he goes to check it out and he finds nero in a middel of a battle but nero can't deafet his opponent so dante get there to save him and fight
the strange opponent and couldn't defeat him also after the battle ends the opponent is about to finish themm both but he hears a sound and retreats then he tells dante ( if you cann't defeat me how will you be abel to defeat your uncle ) and goes then nero talks to dante telling him that this was ( genral X ) he brpught nero here in the middle of the fight and then nero goes with dante to a battle field where they see a strange creaturs fighting the demons when they look to the creaturs side they find a strange looking demond with arms like neros saying (I am the great armand no one can stop me )
can dante and nero stop armand and his army ?
or is nero somehow realated to armand ?
and will armand intentions be cleard to dante and nero?
and there is more in it but I don't want to make it long

dante : daggers, chined sowrds, rebellion , E+I , electric gun , ????????
nero : red queen ,blue rose

dante, nero, armand, general X, ksator ( the demon general ),
fantom ( a legendary creature who saied to be lost) and more to come
dante mission 1-13 nero mission 14-18 dante mission 19 and 20

dark and wierd


more like dmc 1 attitude for dante and neros attitude is more serious
Ideas Edited

Plot: (1 disc in different sides of two stories)
Sparda's Past: This is the tale of Sparda before Dante and Vergil were even born. Mundus and Sparda were best friends in the demon world. Mundus, the son of Satan was born to rule the demon world, and Sparda, was chosen to lead a demon army. But all his life, Sparda feels he should leave and find a different life... in the human world. When Mundus learns this, he sends demons to find Sparda to kill him for his betrayal.

Sparda's Return: After the Fortuna incident and Argosax over the years, Dante learns that his father, Sparda is alive. Dante gets Lady and Nero to help find him, while Trish remains in Fortuna to help Kyrie who is now general of the new Order. While there, Dante encounters an old friend of Sparda who is also the son of a human king. A vampiric immortal warrior named Erik has come to seek revenge on those who serve Sparda. While on their journey, Nero learns of his power growing. But is there a reason for him to do this and destroy Dante, and is Nero's arm feeling that Vergil will return?


(2 millenniums ago)
Don't know what other new characters to put
(Years now)
Abigail (angel)
Han Dao (oni)
Erik (demon/vampire)

Gameplay: Devil Trigger, Angel Trigger, and Oni Trigger.

Atmosphere: dark, light and chaotic

Dante - DMC1 costume
Nero - Blue jacket, red turtleneck shirt, gun holder on body, and ripped sleeve for devil bringer
Abigail - white clothing
Han Dao - Monk (hidden ninja)

Attitude: DMC1 & 4 attitude
Plot: As long as it involves most of the characters and is creative I'm happy. And better lines than in DMC4.

Weapons: The trademark weapons (E&I, Rebellion etc) plus Lucifer from DMC4, the Gauntlets from DMC3 and whatever weapons they can create.

Characters: Let's see... all of them! (I hope Lady will have a bigger part this time)

Atmosphere: Gothy, of course ^_^

Clothing/costume: I don't care what they put as long as there's Coatless Vergil :D Although I'm not sure about a too revealing Dante, he looks over 30 to me and showing off as shirtless.... man, I dunno...

Attitude: DMC3 attitude. Don't fix what's not broken ;)
plot: the demons have almost completlytaken over earth, nowhere is safe. And i mean nowhere.
And dantes been captured and put in an internall sleep. But there is one hope left before dante was captured he past on some of his soul to an apprentice (dante is old so he recons that there has to be someone to carry on the lagacy)
the apprentice than has t travel to the base of the demon leaders and destroy them and close the demon portals (and save dante)

weapons:dante has past on ebony and ivory to his apprentice but he haskept rebellion. the apprentice forges his on sword and the sword gains powers from defeating boses.

atmosphre: gothic, alone, dark basicly depresing but with glimmers of hope.

attitude: lippy, whitty and sortt of srerious

vergils time away gets explain with him coming into present day to fight nero after learning serects about him.
KNDSVCloud;133523 said:
It's pretty sad you feel that way about Vergil...he died...Now Nero on the other hand...Nero is the way to go for plot line...NERO,NERO,NERO,and more NERO!!!

Right on!

Its time to let go and moove on.
BringerOfChaos;120068 said:

Plot: Vergil

Weapons: Yamato

Characters: Vergil and a mirror and Nelo angelo

Gameplay: Vergil

Atmosphere: Vergilish

Clothing/costume: Vergil & Neloangelo

Attitude: Vergilish
Here is my list of hopeful options for the next installment of the Devil May Cry series.

1: More Dante
Dante was forced to share DMC4, and even at that he had barely shared it. 7 missions while Nero had the majority of the game. Dante should once again be the lead, but should be a part of multiple storylines with characters such as Vergil, Nero, and more.

2: Bring Vergil Back
Vergil was a huge success in DMC3, but after his supposed death in DMC1, there's been too many questions surrounding his current status. Him making a return in the next installment would be a great addition to the 5th game.

3: Have multiple storylines!
Similar to DMC2, have multiple storylines for each character, such as Vergil having his own story carving his path to the end of the game through his point of view, Dante going through his, and Nero if Vergil doesn't take him over at some point via Capcom's stoyline.

4: Explain how Nero got that damn arm
Still wasn't explained, and I want it to be explained quickly.

5: More costumes available
Now, I know that might seem a little crazy due to the ridiculous amount of costumes they've given over the series, but I would personally like to see more costumes giving each character abilities. An example would be like in DMC3:SE with Vergil's NA outfit. It let him have NA's skill set and everything. I would like to see something similar implemented via costume changes. Maybe even bring a return to the DDT from DMC2 albeit with infinite DT, although it would be over-powered, it would make a nice addition to those who've beaten the game 100%. Here's the general scheme I would like to see.

Easy: No Costume
Normal: DMC1 Costume
Hard: DMC3 Costume
Very Hard: Sparda Outfit
DMD: Super Dante
HoH: DMC2 Dante Costume

Easy: No Costume
Normal: Sleeveless Costume
Hard: DMC3 Costume
Very Hard: Vergil w/ Amulent Costume
VMD: Super Vergil
HoH: Nelo/Nero Angelo Costume

Easy: No Costume
Normal: No Costume
Hard: Knight Armor
Very Hard: No Costume
DMD: Super Nero
HoH: No Costume

If all Costumes are unlocked for every character and 100% completion is achieved, they would receive the following:
Dante: Infinite DDT Costume
Vergil: Infinite Nelo/Nero Angelo Costume
Nero: None

and add Sparda as a new character to play as in-game. He would have similar abilities to Dante at the end of DMC1, albeit nerfed to make him actually playable.

Easy: None
Normal: None
Hard: None
Very Hard: None
SMD: Infinite DT Costume

It's a blu-ray disk. They should be able to fit all of that on. >_<
It would probably have to be announced as the last game to try and get more buyers due to the huge production costs of the post I just made.
i want more upgrade options for dmc5...(tats the main reason why i m playing the dmc series!i jus enjoy the part where i get to upgrade things...)
are we even sure this is gonna be a devilmaycry5?
i haven't been able to play dmc for awhile now so i wouldn't know.
Kyo;141180 said:
are we even sure this is gonna be a devilmaycry5?
i haven't been able to play dmc for awhile now so i wouldn't know.

nice sig of samurai deeper kyo!anyway i highly recommend u to play the pc version of dmc3 first then u can play dmc4...u will love the game for sure...
A good story, challenging combat and perhaps a 3-way between Nero, Dante and Vergil? If your thinking dirty thought about that, go have a cold shower. It's okay, i'll wait.

Okay, everyone back? Good!
Maybe Vergil could kill Kyrie, Dante could refuse to help Nero, and Vergil just isn't good at making friends. That is a recipe for an amazing battle
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