Plot: Game opens with Dante getting several contracts to kill demons of varying power in one location. Dispatching the monsters with ease.Dante returns into the shop to discover the brutally slaughtered remains of his previous few clients, and discovers that someone has acquired Sparda for his/her/its own nefarious ends. To make matters worse, the DMCI weapons go rampant (it is heavily that the DMCIII/IV weapons were affected, but killed each other in their madness.), and Dante must find them again along the way. Dante enlists the aid of an old friend Zephyr, along with Nero and Trish, to assist him find it.
The team split up with 3 objectives - find Alastor and Irifit, and any other demons unleashed, find out who is causing it and how. Dante and Trish go after Irifit, and Nero and Zephyr go after Alastor. After all demon bosses are defeated, and unravelling clues from the media (interloped by Lady) It is discovered that Arius is the one responsible for the mess, inducing an old spell on a massive scale with technology that sends nearby devils berserk. Dante and Zephyr are unaffected due to their human side, although Trish is forced to leave the group. Dante and co. set out in pursuit. They eventually corner him inside the underwater ruins of mallet island (now heavily reinforced with modern technology), but before he makes his escape after his plans are foiled by an "anomaly forming in the portal". It transpires that Arius had invariantly cut through a dimension known as Chaos, and an immensely powerful demon Anarchia (Think of the dark Cloverfield times a dragon) is unleashed, and destroys the ruins (supposedly also killing Arius). The heros are saved by a timely intervention from Trish, and they all pursue the demon into the city, assist the human military in evacuation and cornering the demon, before the Son of Sparda can bring it down. It corrupts Trish, however, her being technically a demon, and Dante and Zephyr are forced into bringing her down.
Afterwards, Dante mourns the loss of Trish. Zephyr and Nero console Dante simply by pointing out that she would rather Dante continued his search for the annihilation of demons. Slightly cheered up, Dante broods as Zephyr contacts "his old mate Lucia" who will help Dante lay low from both Arius's spies and the humans who are searching for him. abroad. Nero promises to rebuild the shop and "keep an eye on things over here" as Dante leaves, now very much like his DMCII self, in contrast to his DMCIV guise at the beginning. Nero is also much more rounded and mature, much like Dante went from III to I - it is he who reminds Dante that "Devils never cry".
DANTE:Devil Arms
Rebellion: Dante's personal Broadsword. Has the power of Darkness. Starting Weapon. Note: Slightly stronger hit-for-hit than Zeus, but weaker than Irifit. Note: Rebellion DT heals Dante faster than other weapon DTs.
Zeus: Scythe weapon, acquired from a hawk-like demon that is fought by Dante in an old shopping mall. Grants the player Speed and electrical powers. Grants Dante the power to teleport short distances with five devil runes.
Irifit: Flaming Gauntlets, acquired after the demon itself is defeated, fought in the smouldering, burned out remains of a forest. Has the power of Fire and Strength.
Ebony and Ivory: Dante's customised pistols. Capable of rapid fire shooting, yet packs a reasonable punch. Starting weapons. Can be charged up with Dante's power to shoot off a few charged bullets of Devil, Electric, Fire, or Light power, depending on devil arm equipped.
Coyote-A: Sawn-off Shotgun - this weapon packs an almighty punch at close range, but don't bother with long range shots. Expert players can "hike" lesser demons with this weapon. Can be charged for an extra powerful shot, but takes time.
Grenade Launcher: Gun that fires explosive shrapnel. Has a longer reach than the shotgun, and much larger Area of effect, but takes a while to rearm due to recoil. Can also be charged, though takes longer than the shotgun.
M1 Sniper rifle: Long range high velocity sniper rifle with pin-point accuracy. Can be fired like a normal semi-auto rifle or Dante can use the scope for higher precision, more damaging shots. Longest reaching weapon, fires faster than Grenade Launcher but lacks AoE. Note: CANNOT be charged; Dante must crouch when using the scope.
Zephyr: Devil Arms
Hyperion - a 7 foot Halberd-esque weapon with a very lengthily blade. It is blessed with the power of Ice. Zephyrs' personal blade. Note - Frost demons actually help Zephyr in his journeys, though they still attack Dante when Zephyr is not around. Starting Weapon. Stronger than Alastor, but weaker than Voids.
Voids: Wrist-blades, acquired from a shadow-manipulating demon of Darkness that Zephyr encounters in an abandoned basement in a mental asylum. Note: DMCI Shadow Demons accompany this boss. Equipping it enables Zephyr to warp ambient light and shadows and cloak with Devil power - effective against ill-equipped humans and most demons.
Alastor: Longsword, acquired after the demon itself is defeated, fought on rooftops. Has the power of electricity, speed, and flight.
Mastodon: Customised Spaz-12 shotgun that fires bullets of concentrated demonic power. Incredible stopping power, but poor range. Like the Coyote-A, experts can "hike" with this weapon. Starting gun. Note: Can charge up in DT mode for MASSIVE power at the cost of up to one health segment.
AK-74u: Russian-Made SMG. Has impressive range and good accuracy, though stopping power is limited. Bullets can be charged the same as Dante's E&I, etc.
Minigun: Big thing that kills demons. INCREDIBLE rate of fire adds up to huge damage, but overheats if fired for too long (>7 seconds). Note: Zephyr needs to kneel down to compensate for recoil. Notes: Cannot be charged - should be power enough as it is!
AK-74u Grenadier: Attachment to the sub machine gun that fires small grenades that, while not as powerful as Dantes' grenades, still kick a punch and fire slightly faster. Can be charged.
DANTE: Similar to DMCI - Dante can still use his differing styles of moves, and old guns behave as before. Rebellion and Irifit all have similar moves as before, plus a few new additions. Zeus has basic atttacks based loosely on Nevan scythe weapon, and advanced attacks are fast, long ranged, but somewhat weak. Like the Alastor grants the player the ability to run very fast, but does not grant air raid/flying/vortex abilites - though Dante can still glide with Rebellion. M1 Sniper rifle acts like Spiral in normal mode - in DT mode fires more powerful shots that ricochet from the first target to the closest demon and deals 1/2 damage.
ZEPHYR: Although born a half-demon, his sadistic human father experimented on him to hone his devil powers at the expense of his humanity. Although Zephyr held on to some fragment of his human side, he still bitterly resents his father to this day, who is now the general of human forces.
Like the frost demons, when in devil trigger the air surrounding him, and his halberd drops to below absolute zero, giving him terrific power against his foes. Although not as speedy as Dante, he is an accomplished devil hunter, and is able to hold his own quite easily. His main drive in life is to kill all demons and protect the sword of Sparda, entrusted to him by Dante. He lives in an Icy Fortress.
Nero: Returning only as an unlockable character, Nero has matured considerably since we last met him. His attire and appearance is very similar to his in DMCIV.
Trish: Returning only as an unlockable character, Trishs' appearance by contrast has barely changed an iota since we last met her, supposedly due to her demonic heritage. Her attitude is warm and kindly, which clashes violently with Zephyrs' cold, blunt approach to life.
Arius: The younger Arius initially gives us the impression of being immature, a daddys' boy who has been spoiled rotten. However, the youngster's approach takes a sinister twist when he kills his father, and begins spending grossly in uncovering the secrets of mallet island. He is determined to become the ruler of this world.
Void: A sinister, shadow based demon. Said to have originated from every dark thought that humans have ever thought about others or themselves. Thrives in desolate areas, feeds off corrupted souls. Confined in the chaotic dimension to prevent it growing too powerful. Can split into several forms at once to surround difficult pray.
Zeus: A thoughtful, museful demon that thrives on ignorance and confusion of mortals. Often speaks in the third person or in riddles. It is said this was once the wisest of angels that was driven mad by the knowledge of everything and was confined in the dimension of chaos, where nothing was predictable. Unleashed when Arius activates his portal. Wields the power of light for defence.
Irifit: Fire based demon which is said to represent humanities anger, wrath and fury. Captured and subdued by the Son of Sparda, however Arius's technology has driven it mad, and it has tragically fled into the forests nearby. Very aggressive, it usually attacks on sight, although Dante does have a brief conversation with it. Most powerful of the demon bosses encountered, although somewhat cumbersome.
Alastor: Electricity based demon which is said to represent Drive and ambition in humanity. Captured and subdued by the Son of Sparda, however Arius's technology has driven it mad. It has taken to the skies and has destroyed several aircraft already. Extremely fast and agile, contrasts with Irifits' demonic aspects. Zephyr must utilise an electric pylon to lure it closer to the ground before engaging it.