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What makes you angry?!


Well-known Member
I hate kidnappers, especially the one who kidnapped Jaycee Lee Dugard. I remember watching a documentary about her when I was younger, basically a guy kidnapped her and raped her, and she lived in a tent in his garden. She had two children, the first was born when she was only 14, in his back garden. The children were told she was their sister. She never tried to escape because she was brainwashed and just accepted the fact that she lived there. She was kidnapped at age 11 (I think,) and released at 18 years later.
The man that did that sickens me beyond belief. He was even married, I think his wife was in on it aswell...

I'd hate his wife, too, then. That's just sick.

Thanks to the book I've been reading, I hate what some people will manipulate another for. And how some people will pretend they don't understand, when they do.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
When another mum hoots at your autistic baby for standing too close to her parked car. I swear I was so close to laying into the stupid wench. Obviously I'm still ****ed. I'm working on letting it go. She can thank her lucky stars that I follow Jesus, else I would have made a pretty big scene and probably bitchslapped her in front of her kids too.
Stupid inconsiderate people.


The one true son of Sparda
i hate how people say they are so rich that they have this and that and when you've heard it all days afterwards they keep repeating the same crap infront of you.......goddamn they drive me crazy and sometimes they also like to talk about how much rich they are than other people :mad:


Well-known Member
When another mum hoots at your autistic baby for standing too close to her parked car. I swear I was so close to laying into the stupid wench. Obviously I'm still ****ed. I'm working on letting it go. She can thank her lucky stars that I follow Jesus, else I would have made a pretty big scene and probably bitchslapped her in front of her kids too.
Stupid inconsiderate people.
I'm sure my mom could relate. My oldest sibling has Aspergers Syndrome, so she probably ended up dealing with a lot of idiots. More than she's told me about.

I'd say she was pretty lucky you held back. If you had slapped her, you might not have been able to keep from doing more because it was your baby involved.

Other people.
I second that one. lol.

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
I hate people who call my brother gay or says he has ADD...
Ugh, just because he sometimes walks like a girl and speaks really fast does NOT I repeat does NOT make him gay!...
And he does NOT need speech therapy, damned teachers!...
Leave him the **** alone will ya before I rip open another hole for you to breathe in!...

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
When you're trying really hard even though you feel like giving up and someone starts criticizing you just as you think you might not be a total failure after all.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
People put their wallet in their back pocket. Why?
My Dad does that and it rubbed massive holes in his pocket, his money might get stolen and it's uncomfortable -.- but he almost sat on the cat once so I wouldn't expect him to notice -.-

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
very judgemental people who base who you are on one little thing rather than getting to know you and realising that your a good person -_-

also teddy bear people (people who think everyone is their friend) but they don't annoy me to such an extent as judgemental people

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
The education system in general - and the dumb politicians who run it, obsessed with cramming our brains with useless knowledge; then testing us on it, over and over, relentlessly. Relentlessly... @_@


Well-known Member
A few things.

One: Parents who don't listen to what their children are saying, and blame them for every stupid mistake that their kids aren't responsible for in the first place. Plus that guilt-trip their kids. I have a friend, and her sister, that are going through this. If it weren't for the fact she's in another country, I would have the two of them move in with my family.

Two: The obsession with Skype. I have two sisters and a brother that keep asking if we have it (even though my parents keep telling them that they don't have web cams or Skype). My parents call them, and vice versa. They would have to use money that isn't available on a cam, speakers and mic. It feels too much like they're pressuring them into it.

Three: People that will hate someone just because they're different. The one that's different ends up being beat down to the point they either try to be like everyone else, or use violence either against others or themselves. I hate it.


Entertain me.
People who beat me in SWAT
News on the TV/Radio
People who let emotion run their lives
People who cut me off on the road
People who can't laugh at a bad joke
People who can't enjoy a deep or intellectual conversation
People who think it's strange to be a guy who has no interest in sports
When my brother finishes the milk and doesn't tell anyone so I go to make myself some macaroni and cheese and THERE'S NO ****ING MILK LEFT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

People who don't mind their own business when I'm out by myself in public.
If I'd wanted to talk to someone, I would be by myself in public.
That goes double for store clerks. I'm sure there's a very interesting person behind that nametag but all I want is SOME ****ING MILK


Well-known Member
1) When i have been allotted casual leave and when i ask for one, the answer goes "You can't cuz i said so". Egoistic superiors. Take your ego and stick it up your..............

2) When i get a landline call, right when i start lathering shampoo in my hair.............Wat the hell?


Well-known Member
People who make a big deal(and create hate threads) of characters who have a fan base. Wats their point? Fans can have their own reasons to follow whichever character they like. And a fanbase would not exist if the feeling was not mutual. If you don't understand characters, STFU.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i hate it when i explain why the world isn't going to end and no one listens then when an expert says it everyone is relieved and praises the expert

i beat him to the answer....expert my ass


Well-known Member
Being the only one in the house who eats everything. My family comes and asks me about what we should eat and everytime i suggest something some says "i don't eat that" or " we already eat the this week".

Going to the mall with my mother and sister because i spend most of the time going back and fourth looking for them.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i hate it when people don't listen to me :mad:

but then again i shouldn't expect my 7 year old sister to learn how to play resistence 3 in about 5 minutes XD but to be fair she has killed a fair share of chimera :cool: i have succesfully passed on my gaming ways
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