We can hate our mums as much as we may want. But they are the reason we are here. I love my mother, unconditionally (No matter how 'gay' that may make me sound). Love is never a bad thing. Unless it borders on obsessive and psychopathic (Then it can be quite bad)...
Life's delightful tendancies to annoy me are simplistic things like:
Being late for work > BECAUSE OF THE BUS!
Being late for the JobCentre > BECAUSE OF THE BUS!
Being late in general > BECAUSE OF THE BUS!
Just missing the bus by a few seconds.
Kids that keep pushing the bell for the bus to stop every few seconds.
People who constantly talk about their life whilst on your bus journey.
People constantly having a continuous phone conversation no matter how long your bus journey lasts. (Phones are NOT attached to your ears AT ALL TIMES!)
You can probably tell I don't like BUSES!
People that use Facebook over excessively.
OMG I like oxygen, where's a button to approve it?...
I like being alive lol
Me too

Oh wow, let's be friends =)
Super-cool ^^...
People that stop you in the street to ask if you are interested in something and such...If I'm walking past you, I'm NOT interested.
Excuse me it'll only take like, half an hour of your time!
I'm going to work, sorry.
Okay, I can rush it and make it only take twenty minutes.
I just said I have work.
Right, what about ten minutes.
My job which is IMPORTANT starts in two minutes...
Okay here's a leaflet, have a nice day.
**** off!
People that won't find common ground with you every time you say something.
The sky is blue.
Are you sure?
Pretty sure.
No, it's definitely red.
How is it red?
How is it not red?
Okay then it is red.
It's not red, it's blue.
I know I said it was blue anyway.
No, you said red.
You said red.
No I didn't.
Clocks that are the wrong time.
Our bus is in ten minutes
No the clock is wrong, it's ten minutes slow.
Have we missed the bus then?
**** YOU BUS!