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What makes you angry?!

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
^My mum isn't that bad, but her singing voice can make deaf people head for the hills... >__<
And my dad is just addicted to Glory of Rome, a Facebook game...
And my BROTHER... Right now he keeps coming into my room, throwing stuff on the bed, switching the light on even though it's late... God I hate him sometimes :mad:

But these are only little things - overall I'm pretty lucky to have my family, despite their annoyingness... ^_^

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
my mum irritates me alot aswell as my sister but we get along sometimes my dad is awesome and my younger sisters in my opinion are retarded

Dusk Stalker

" Everybody gets a bullet!" -Axton
Lets see my list:

Doctor Who(Hate the show)
Gilda ( I boot that Griffon with some steel toed boots)
Trolls (Tend to ignore them)
Team Fortress 2 ( I am okay with it, but when people spam it over and over again, then yeah its on the list)
People who talk to much.
Kiss asses*Looks at Game Informer*
Rap/Hip Hop.
People who insult Metal.

That I think is a tid bit of it.


The Forsaken Offspring of Heaven and Hell
Currently hating: The random people who sign up on this forum just to post useless threads advertising who knows what, or linking stuff that shouldn't be put on a public forum.

Other stuff: I'll tell ya later. Right now, I need sleep


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
We can hate our mums as much as we may want. But they are the reason we are here. I love my mother, unconditionally (No matter how 'gay' that may make me sound). Love is never a bad thing. Unless it borders on obsessive and psychopathic (Then it can be quite bad)...

Life's delightful tendancies to annoy me are simplistic things like:

Being late for work > BECAUSE OF THE BUS!
Being late for the JobCentre > BECAUSE OF THE BUS!
Being late in general > BECAUSE OF THE BUS!
Just missing the bus by a few seconds.
Kids that keep pushing the bell for the bus to stop every few seconds.
People who constantly talk about their life whilst on your bus journey.
People constantly having a continuous phone conversation no matter how long your bus journey lasts. (Phones are NOT attached to your ears AT ALL TIMES!)

You can probably tell I don't like BUSES!

People that use Facebook over excessively.

OMG I like oxygen, where's a button to approve it?...
I like being alive lol
Me too :)
Oh wow, let's be friends =)
Super-cool ^^...

People that stop you in the street to ask if you are interested in something and such...If I'm walking past you, I'm NOT interested.

Excuse me it'll only take like, half an hour of your time!
I'm going to work, sorry.
Okay, I can rush it and make it only take twenty minutes.
I just said I have work.
Right, what about ten minutes.
My job which is IMPORTANT starts in two minutes...
Okay here's a leaflet, have a nice day.
**** off!

People that won't find common ground with you every time you say something.

The sky is blue.
Are you sure?
Pretty sure.
No, it's definitely red.
How is it red?
How is it not red?
Okay then it is red.
It's not red, it's blue.
I know I said it was blue anyway.
No, you said red.
You said red.
No I didn't.

Clocks that are the wrong time.

Our bus is in ten minutes
No the clock is wrong, it's ten minutes slow.
Have we missed the bus then?
**** YOU BUS!


Single life for life
You can probably tell I don't like BUSES!
Don't get me started on buses :/ too many times I have been unsure if my bus is late or the later bus is on time.

Now onto my list
- People that contradict themselves in an argument
- People that are quick to harshly judge anything with a slight difference from what their use to
- Any idiotic side of any fanbase
- Anyone who judges any fanbase via the idiotic side
- Tryhard trolls (Casual trolls are funny sometimes)
- People that think playing Guitar Hero/Rock Band means you can't/don't play a real guitar
- Prepubescent children on any online game (I don't mind them if they don't whine, just have fun, aren't arrogant, and are somewhat mature. But that's like asking a lama to successfully perform brain surgery using just tweezers and some damp wool)
- My bed (Creaky as hell :/ )
- People that don't know when to stop and listen
- Anyone that messes up my mess ( I know where everything is and that's all that matters to me)
More to come if I feel the urge :)


Well-known Member
Right now I pretty much hate a friend that makes small problems more than they are, and doesn't listen to something that's even a part of nature. She's lucky we live in different states.

Sexist jokes. If I see one more guy joking about a woman belonging in the kitchen, I'm going on a rampage.

One of my sisters. I don't entirely hate her, but when she becomes dramatic over the dumbest things, I really don't want to deal with her. Though it was funny hearing about a lizard jumping out of a box out at her when she was unpacking. It made me wonder if she was really a part of this family since none of us are afraid of reptiles.

Those are the main things right now. I'm sure I'll think of others, later.

And thanks for starting this thread. I was actually, kind of, looking for somewhere I could go to let off some steam. lol.

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I hate hate hate wife beaters, Chris Brown included. (Though technically not married,) why would you want to harm the person you supposedly love? I understand kind of if someone is a little bit cuckoo or has inconsolable fits of rage, but really? Could you imagine being in a situation where the one person you trust tries to hurt you? >:I
Also, husband beaters. I feel sorry for those helpless guys. :(


Well-known Member
I hate hate hate wife beaters, Chris Brown included. (Though technically not married,) why would you want to harm the person you supposedly love? I understand kind of if someone is a little bit cuckoo or has inconsolable fits of rage, but really? Could you imagine being in a situation where the one person you trust tries to hurt you? >:I
Also, husband beaters. I feel sorry for those helpless guys. :(

I absolutely agree. I hate any type of abuse, whether the victim is human or animal. I hate whoever had my dog before me. My family and I have seen signs that she was abused, a scar on her chest, the fact that she's terrified to go into a building and how she reacted to a van that was apparently familiar to her. I don't understand how anyone could harm such an innocent creature.


Single life for life
I hate hate hate wife beaters, Chris Brown included. (Though technically not married,) why would you want to harm the person you supposedly love? I understand kind of if someone is a little bit cuckoo or has inconsolable fits of rage, but really? Could you imagine being in a situation where the one person you trust tries to hurt you? >:I
Also, husband beaters. I feel sorry for those helpless guys. :(
That's a matter somewhat close to me. My sisters husband (Luckily divorced now and out of mind) use to do terrible things to her like forcing drugs, physical violence and everything. It's something that I really despise.
I don't understand how anyone could harm such an innocent creature.
Unfortunately there are so many people that actually enjoy causing harm, it just outright sickens me that they exist.


Well-known Member
That's a matter somewhat close to me. My sisters husband (Luckily divorced now and out of mind) use to do terrible things to her like forcing drugs, physical violence and everything. It's something that I really despise.

Unfortunately there are so many people that actually enjoy causing harm, it just outright sickens me that they exist.

Too bad we can't take all the people like that and sterilize them, make sure they don't reproduce.


Well-known Member
Maybe in the future one day, we can hope until then ;)
lol. Yeah. That should be one of the main punishments for being abusive. Of course sex offenders should have more than that done. I certainly wish this one guy was castrated. He's married and has kids, now. I'm afraid of what he might have done to his kids.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
when you message someone and they never reply also when you message someone and they start typing then after 5 minuted: hi -_- and i hate people who reply with single word responses

Angel General

Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I hate kidnappers, especially the one who kidnapped Jaycee Lee Dugard. I remember watching a documentary about her when I was younger, basically a guy kidnapped her and raped her, and she lived in a tent in his garden. She had two children, the first was born when she was only 14, in his back garden. The children were told she was their sister. She never tried to escape because she was brainwashed and just accepted the fact that she lived there. She was kidnapped at age 11 (I think,) and released at 18 years later.
The man that did that sickens me beyond belief. He was even married, I think his wife was in on it aswell...
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