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Yeah, I tried to defend him earlier, because we have a similar sense of humor, so I could understand if something he said on social media could be taken out of context...but then you get to the kiddy porn...and then it becomes somewhat indefensible
ikr? :( what I don't uderstand is HOW you can retweet kiddy porn? It should only exist in deep web. How comes it exists on normal internet.
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I'd like everyone to know that Yondu from GotG was in 2 of my dreams in the past week and then all this James Gunn stuff happened so I may have manifested special soothsayer dream powers.
hey twitter you have some explaining to do: I'm searching "shoe0nhead" in the twitter search bar but she isn't coming up like usual. what's going on here twitter?
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"Why would you put healing as a part of blood magic?" Idk, maybe cuz someone in this group is probably bleeding if you're healing them. So you are, in essence, doing blood magic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

+ It's kinda funny how many foods we eat would happily kill us if we ate them raw or at the wrong point in time. Anyway. We, as a race, eat a lot of nightshades.
This last few days have been wild. I would like to speak about it but at the same time I'm just like "what the yuck just transpired?" And yes "yuck." But I will say this though, I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
The fight I mentioned some days ago is done and over with and well honestly, despite my seniority I've been burdened with the "crap shifts." Maybe I'm given these shifts because I'll actually show up to work? Perhaps I angered the wrong boss and I'm suffering for it. Maybe I should change my availability?
Maybe it's just life and summer time which for many means "work, work, cold flu. Work, work, and you guessed it more work." In other news Ryu from Street Fighter is now a Power Ranger. (Dead serious Google "Ryu Ranger Power Rangers Legacy Wars.") The new Dragon Ball Super movie trailer made me scream like a school girl on prom night and I have been peeing all day thanks to consuming way to many liquids!
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Just when I feel motivated to get some stuff done, it proves to be impossible. I've been putting off scheduling a physical for ages, and the online portal that lets me handle my doctors' appointments won't let me do just that for some bulls**t bureaucratic reason. I can't stand making phone calls and the office isn't open until Monday.
Alright so I’m just thinking why the hell are there so many new games coming out that have some ridiculously high priced “superior-than-everyone-else Edition”?

Yeah I knew games were getting more expensive and that there seems to be a lot more special editions of games, but now there’s these new editions that cost nearly $200.
C.W. Leadbeater looks a helluva lot like Santa, or is that just me?

Also, Helen Blavatsky was in a nightmare I had when I was a teenager.
I know they like to put these things down as, oh it's just your subconscious putting faces that you've seen irl into your dreams, but no.
Not this one. I had no interest in browsing the internet and using it as a research tool back then as I do today.
My learning was centered around actual encyclopedias that you could page through, which at the point in time I hadn't done since primary school. The only use of the internet I had back then, especially around the time period I had this nightmare, was to go on chatrooms and catch up with hubby.
Plus, we had dial up. Kids today don't understand the absolute pain and frustration dialup caused. For someone like me who hasn't got a grain of patience, the internet was a painful thing and I didn't use it much. So, again, no, this woman was not put into my subconscious via an information highway.
I did come across her face a few years afterward online and found it so entirely WTF that I abandoned the internet for well over a year. Because holy crackers WTF, really.
I didn't even bother trying to find out who she was. I just saw her face, freaked out and told my mum, whom of course shrugged me off and did nothing to comfort or reassure me that I'm not totally mental.

Today I'm researching alchemy and ether (as the first is being taught to my MC and the second I'll need to understand first before I can incorporate it into my book). Alchemy leads me to the Soul Elements. The Soul Elements leads me to the etheric, and the etheric leads me to Charles Webster Leadbeater, who has written a ton of books on clairvoyance, the metauniverse and thought-forms and auras, and of course things like matter.
Coincidentally, he also partnered up with no other than Russian author Helen Blavatsky, the woman from my nightmare.
Then again, according to a science paper I read, there are no coincidences. What happens to the physical body happens to the etheric body. The saying as above so below comes into play here from alchemy (and the Bible, yo ho ho). What happens here also happens there.
To condense it down to simpler terms, there is a reason I had that nightmare and this is the reason, to direct where to go.

Yes, I am crazy. I don't care.
*Glares at muse*. All right, we started on the next scene, despite intending to hold it off until next writing sesh. You happy, now? Can I go to bed? 'Cause I sure as hell don't have another 3k in me, never mind having enough drive to wrap up the rest of the draft tonight--even if it is a close thing.

On a related note, I have to keep reminding myself that it's okay for the first draft to be complete and utter trash. A fact no doubt amplified in these recent chapters. X_X Just...don't stomp on the brakes. We're too close to lose our heads, now. I don't know what's up with all this "we" and "our" business, but I still maintain I'm the harmless kind of crazy.

+Yeah, bed now, I think. >.>
I won't be getting the FF7 remake, unless they decide to wisely backtrack out of the episodic release format they're currently going with and just release the full game at once.
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Another one so soon? O_O Well, that raises my spirits considerably. Here's hoping I can maintain that good feeling at least until I finish S&F's first draft. If I get hit with something discouraging afterwards, I stand to lose a lot less than I would while still in the process. ._. Why is it the more good I hear, the greater my fear and the more convinced I am of receiving the negative?
Starting tomorrow I'll be following a ptoper writing course for a week! I did a writing course before, but that was more creative, 'for yourself' writing. I'm pretty excited to see what it'll be like!

Also to those on this site I gave 'criticism' a couple years back on your writing, sorry about how overly critical I was about it. Looking back, I was in a phase where I felt like the more criticism I gave the better it would be, even though it was overly nitpicky and sometimes a bit uncalled for. Sorry :cautious: I'll give more actually constructive criticism if I ever do that again.