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and of course, there's always... "free" movies. Heh. :D


Maybe I should make a "bored" thread...


I dunno, maybe? :sneaky: I don't want to...I don't think I want to...but he's losing teh touch, either way. :dead:
I love the new emoticons we got. I do believe I will be using :facepalm: quite often.

I think I'm going to go out for a drive/walk and take my camera with me. I can't write, I can't draw, so photography it is then.
Hey... why not find another protagonist that's like Dante? Or another sword-wielding protagonist with an attitude that's a bit more your speed (Dante's fun for a while, but sometimes you want something a little more "normal", which is why I posted that "Demon's Gate" free ebook link).

Phantasy Star Portable has a character creator and a "not-quite-bad" story... and lock-on isn't a problem if you go to the menu and change it from "hold" to "switch/toggle".

Anyway, there's tons of options out there. You just need to know where to look.
Also, I'm going to be using the new emoticons a lot, too. Especially the chocolate pudding one. :poop:

... I know it's not really pudding.
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CT: Yay. I going to start work next week. It's good and bad. I won't have as much free time but I'll be making money. And I've been writing down story ideas. Yay maybe get a few going. :smile:

Been watching anime on Hulu. Geez it sucks, but I am getting it for free sooo, yeah. Can't really complain about getting free stuff....:meh: but paying eight dollars to watch your favorite show with five commercial about stuff you don't care about.Yeah Hulu, no.:thumbsdown: If that was going to happen I'd just watch cable. The up side about Hulu it's just five commercial...bleh.

And can't wait to see the new Doctor Who. :D It's going to be super. Seeing the 10th and 11th doctor together and seeing how the interact. To bad Chris didn't want to come back as the 9th. He's my hubby's favorite doctor. Mines the 4th. And for the Christmas special. woot.:thumbsup:
Is that were you take someone's Date of Birth and give a reading from it (If I'm wrong, apologies, I could be thinking of something else.)

CT: *headdesk* :(
I think it can be whatever you want it to be, like assigning numbers to words or letters. It's also in the Harry Potter books.

Thinking: Glad I stayed up to see the Korra season finale. But now I want them to hurry up with season 3. :tongue:
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Is that were you take someone's Date of Birth and give a reading from it (If I'm wrong, apologies, I could be thinking of something else.)

It's where you take someone's name--or any word, really, but names work best, imo--and you give each letter a number, do some simple maths, and it'll tell you like...what a person's strengths are and weaknesses, etc. Some people go a little overboard and only ever pick things (to do, eat, places to live, who to marry) that correspond with their numbers. @_@ Which is nuts, imo. But it's still fun to see people's numbers. *likes doing it for fictional characters, as well**finds it strange that she likes it but hates maths*
Hmm...date of birth...are you thinking of horoscopes, maybe?

Need more tea.
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Just discovered something called Post Traumatic Christmas Disorder. I thought it was a joke, but this is an acutal condition where people suffer panic attacks as a result of a stressfull or upsetting chirstmas. O_o Well, just goes to show that, unlike the song, christmas isn't the most wonderful time of the year for some. I hope that never happens to me. I love christmas.
It's where you take someone's name--or any word, really, but names work best, imo--and you give each letter a number, do some simple maths, and it'll tell you like...what a person's strengths are and weaknesses, etc. Some people go a little overboard and only ever pick things (to do, eat, places to live, who to marry) that correspond with their numbers. @_@ Which is nuts, imo. But it's still fun to see people's numbers. *likes doing it for fictional characters, as well**finds it strange that she likes it but hates maths*
Hmm...date of birth...are you thinking of horoscopes, maybe?

Need more tea.

Ah! I was probably thinking of 'Numerology'.

Just discovered something called Post Traumatic Christmas Disorder. I thought it was a joke, but this is an acutal condition where people suffer panic attacks as a result of a stressfull or upsetting chirstmas. O_o Well, just goes to show that, unlike the song, christmas isn't the most wonderful time of the year for some. I hope that never happens to me. I love christmas.

I do. Normally because my dad always throws a 'hissy fit'. We haven't gone through a Christmas in the last six years without him starting an arguement.

Also, how the fudge do you get the new emotes to work?
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Urgh, these hama beads are useless... they aren't fusing well at all!
Your delivery says 5 days, but I'm counting seven... you really should change your policy...
Dammit, you had to change the layout... just...fudging...great...

EDIT: btw, the layout thing was email.
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Dammit dammit dammit... I just wanted to go have dinner with my girlfriend and instead I get a car that's totally f*cked. Now I have to get shuttled to and from work, and I can't go freaking anywhere...
Oh good LORD! Chick my dinosaur chicken hybrid has given birth to her very own spawn! Their so cute and devilish!
Oh! And the military sent multiple giant robots after Chick! Outrageous!

1: First they dare use weapons on my beloved dino-chicken!

2: They use 100 meter tall robots on Chick, I love giant robots! They used my favourite fictional entities on my equally bizarre ficitional dino chicken!

Madness I tell you! MADNESS!!! :eek:
Chick beat them of course, a couple of giant robots can't handle thousands of dino chicken spawns even if their much smaller. So many lost their lives.... :cautious: Oh well!! :whistle:
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:eek: Finished Switched! What am I supposed to do with the last 6k of NaNo?! :nailbiting:

+ LOL Crumpet the cat. :inlove: *snuggles character*
++ I need to stop writing sad endings. I fear it's becoming a trend. :cautious:
+++ I wonder where I'll find a beta reader who's willing to read over 31k words by Dec. 6.... :unsure: Any Death Note fans wanna try? :laugh: *only half joking*
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