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Ah. Dante and Vergil love to pop in my head when I'm trying to concentrate on other things. Now they are invading my dreams..... hmmmm must be a sign that I'm playing too much dmc or not enough. I pick the later. I'm one strange gal, y'know. Should write them down. Especially the one dream where I was lady in Lillith's night club. :3 Might lead to a bad@$$ fanfic. *grabs pen and paper to write it down.*
And my magenta cartridge has almost run out... after... oh 20 pages. On the box it says 170... what a rip off.
Another picture of Vergil and Nite... That's almost cleared my desk of stuff i haven't completed... ooh, I've yet to finish a special picture of Vergil covered in chocolate :3 (yes you read that right.... VERGIL COVERED IN CHOCOLATE!!!!)
(Anyone who is in the midst of reading, or who wants to read, the Vampire Dairies books might not want to read this because...spoilers.)

No matter how many times I read Dark Reunion, I can't help but think..."Wow, Klaus is really batsh*t. How are they going to beat him? :blink:" And, as per usual, the ending really disappoints me. I mean...the story is okay, but, really? Everyone's dead/dying/helpless and Elena and her ghost army appear and drag him off and she kisses everyone and BOOM! everything's fine. And then she's alive, and Damon storms off while everyone rejoices in the rain. I mean, wtf? Just, honestly. What. The. F*ck. Was LJ on and where can I get some? :blink: It's like the ending of a really bad fanfic. It's like she didn't know how she wanted to end the series and was like "to hell with it, it's the end, I'll just do something crazy LOLz!"

And Caroline! Where is her awesome b*tchy personality? Where is her "I'm better than you"-ness? WHERE?! Because she went from awesomely annoying in the first two books, to zombie-fied in the third, to having less personality than a two by four in the fourth. :/

Don't get me wrong, I love TVD (it was the series that got me into the rest of LJS's books), but I just...I don't even...yeah. The series, for me, ends at book three. Which is a shame, because I think she could have done some really interesting stuff with it. But it kinda just feels like it turned into a weird fanfic drug trip. Without the bright colours.

Actually...remembering all the dresses, I take the statement about colour back. Shiny.

...I'm just gonna shut up and hide before I try and delete this thought.
It finally downloaded. And I beat it in two hours... With plenty of deaths, of course, because Wisps and Imprisoners are freaking annoying. Why only two new enemies? And why do they have to be so annoying?! >_<