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Hmmmmmmmmmmm........ LIKE THIS POST SHADOW!!!!! lol :P

Your wish is my command. :P

Hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WEATHER!!! D: I feel like someone stole Knothole Island's weather talismans and they're just flipping a coin to keep changing everything. DX
I think i've inherited my dad's 'greying' gene... my hair is going a lighter brown (and looking like it belongs on the new dante again)
Me too. Only mine is like WHAMBAMINYOURFACEI'MGOINGGREYWHOOHOO. I've considered having a hairdo like Rogue (X-men) to make it a bit more....fashionable? Obvious grey hairs among dark hair is obvious. :'(
I am so surprised there isn't a grey hair on me, all the stress I've been through over the years. I dye my hair a lot funky colours like black, red and purple anyway, but I look out to see any grey when it grows out a bit and my hair is actually getting darker! I used to be blonde, now I'm for-sure brunette. Weirdness.
I shouldve never gone on creepypasta wiki O_O Now, I'm terrified of Jeff the Killer!! FMLL >.< *hugs Edward Elric plushie tight while trying to think happy thoughts*
I shouldve never gone on creepypasta wiki O_O Now, I'm terrified of Jeff the Killer!! FMLL >_< *hugs Edward Elric plushie tight while trying to think happy thoughts*

I got myself terrified of Spongebob, of all ****ing things, by reading that damn wiki.
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Oh great, I bet this is gonna scar me for life isnt it? If it does I am never watching Spongebob again..

There's another creepypasta based on the NES Godzilla game. It's (rather imaginatively) called "NES Godzilla Creepypasta", which actually ends up looking like a game I'd want to play instead of being creepy. Well, until the last three worlds. But it's pretty awesome.
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There's another creepypasta based on the NES Godzilla game. It's (rather imaginatively) called "NES Godzilla Creepypasta", which actually ends up looking like a game I'd want to play instead of being creepy. Well, until the last three worlds. But it's pretty awesome.
I remember I read one regarding Legend of Zelda. I think it was called 'Majora's Mask' or something like that. It wasnt really that creepy, it was just weird..
I had really black hair as a kid... it used to fascinate people.

Really, did Titanic have to be remade in 3d? ... just...really?
Another 'digitally made' chibi! I'm on fire babeh!
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Ah, the one involving BEN? The Godzilla one is similar.
Yes that one!! It was really weird O.O Especially with all the fanarts with Link all 'You shouldnt have done that' or whatever. And I must read these Godzilla and Spongebob creepypastas!!! Have you read about the Slenderman :0?? I think he's pretty cool looking (yea, yea, I'm crazy -_-), not that creepy looking.
Yes that one!! It was really weird O.O Especially with all the fanarts with Link all 'You shouldnt have done that' or whatever. And I must read these Godzilla and Spongebob creepypastas!!! Have you read about the Slenderman :0?? I think he's pretty cool looking (yea, yea, I'm crazy -_-), not that creepy looking.

Read about him. I didn't think he was creepy, just f*cking cruel. After reading one story I refused to read any more, to the chagrin of my girlfriend, who can't get enough of him...
Read about him. I didn't think he was creepy, just f*cking cruel. After reading one story I refused to read any more, to the chagrin of my girlfriend, who can't get enough of him...
Ah, I see. Some of the stuff of creepypasta is just strange....Like the Lavander Town Syndrome, THAT creeped me out.
(Eeep, your ava!) Like the creepy ones that are all like 'Get out' or something when in Lavendar Town?

Relax, my avatar is just a Dragoon from KHII. X3 And yeah, kinda like that. Except at the end it'd kill you.

http://nesgodzillacreepypasta.blog.com/category/chap1/ Here's the Godzilla one BTW. Please for the love of god read it all the way through before you go to bed. It's got a happy ending. XD