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Why oh why do I have to get so many writing assignments? I'm no good at writing when I'm told what I have to write...

I don't care what you say, Xenomorphs are adorable. >_> Get off my back.
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Got King of Fighters XIII in the post... IT'S A DELUXE EDITION :D
I got more than i bargained for :P
Haven't opened it yet though... it looks nice and shiney in its wrapping.

Doctors tomorrow... more antibiotics... blergh!
Paranormal activity 3 sucked just like 2.
And then possibly some writing.
Oh yeh babeh.

I has a new blog ^_^
Ish a personal one. I needed it cos I can't spam my writing blog with my personal life. :D
I'm just happy to finally be on wordpress. WHOOZAAA.

Okay okay okay, sammiches it is Callum.
you really think CD and Eidos are going to listen to LoK fans? Lets face it, if they had already, we'd have a new game by now. They don't give a flying fudge cake about us...
does anyone here know the epic backround theme that goes all like DAA DAA *boom* DAA DAA *boom* its a very common and very epic song but i dont know whats its called and putting DAA DAA in the youtube search bar DAA DAA Doesn't work
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Reactions: Autumn and Shadow
The movies always displayed missile launches as a development team with turn-keys, secerity clearence, and a small team to moniter the missles, but no. Its just a big red button that says "launch"...
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This will be my last bus trip for a while. Yess! XD

(Buses make me travelsick. Being stuck on one for two hours is hell :'( )
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Reactions: Dante's Stalker
Playing Descent: Freespace and this thought exchange occurred upon my destruction of the fleet destroyer/planet glasser SD Lucifer...

Me: Yes! Holy f*ck, it's finally dead and gone!
Wingman: We have eighty plus hostile jump signatures incoming!
Me: Oh. They must be sending fighters since their warship is gone.
Me: Oh. Oh. Oh!

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