*High 5's Xeroxis*Yay! alright! high five VB! (holds out hand for a high five) maybe i'll make a Gif for this...
and thanks for not being a corrupted money-hungry judge, Sparda's RS!
*holds out other hand for a high five*
Yeah! You show Firefox whose boss, VB!*Hi fives Xeroxis*
I swear Firefox is trying to p*** me off.
I was just about to say if Fire Fox is ****ing you off, you should **** it off back!!*Hi fives Xeroxis*
I swear Firefox is trying to p*** me off.
http://devilmaycry.org/community/threads/the-mystery-of-poison-solved.10384/No one here seems to care about my thread about Poison... which is rather sad, as there is quite an interesting video about her character in it. Hopefully this little post will catch someone's eyes. If not, then oh well.
Tea. <3
I wonder if I can grow an orange tree using potting soil, orange seeds, and a flower pot....