I don't wanna do ironing.
I can't decide whether I want yoghurt and muesli for dinner, or 2min noodles. Ah, the indecisiveness, it drives meh mad!
Vergil's abandoned me for the time being, so I won't be posting in the RP again until...well, until he gets over himself and comes back. I hate it when they just up and walk out on you like that.
Good thing about it is...I can continue my chosen venture of torturing Dante.
With torture, I don't mean what C2 did in her fic. Which I think is friggin awesome, btw. C2 is nice to Dante, she just torments him and annoys him and makes him go nuts. Me, I'm not a nice person.
I am seriously torturing Dante. Big time. Bad torture. Reminiscining about the past when my nickname had been The Torturer. Bringing that legend I created back to life. And feeding it to Dante. I think I'm going to break him. I really really do. The dark crevasses of my imagination run deeper than the ninth gate of hell. But I DO love a little bit of torturing every once in a while...