Where does the "Q" in IQ come from then?... Where does the Q fit into that equation? Wouldn't it be EI then?

EDIT: I'm getting really tired of people getting hostile and putting words in my mouth. -_-
Where does the "Q" in IQ come from then?... Where does the Q fit into that equation? Wouldn't it be EI then?
Where does the "Q" in IQ come from then?
EDIT: I'm getting really tired of people getting hostile and putting words in my mouth. -_-
No no no... You wrote EQ. And then you told me it mean "Emotional Intelligence". But there are no Q in that. So I am asking you why you wrote EQ then, when it could have been EI. Do you follow?
Spent the day making cookies with my Great Gran. ^^ Love that she doesn't know how to make cookies and has to ask me to do so.She makes great pie, though...really great pie.... <3
Oh...and last night there was another...incident. A measuring cup slid all the way across the counter without a reason.... *sighs*
I think Meg was referring to earlier posts when they were talking about IQ then Meg askes about EQ. Anyway; IQ stands for Intelligence
Quotient. So you can now guess what EQ stands for.
Exactly!But there's nothing better than having loads of QI!![]()
Yeah...we've got six. :/
ghosts? six ghosts. Is it not chaotic in the house Shadow?
Yeah, but only when they're active. >_< And usually at about 4am, you do not want to be awake. That's when everything goes freaky. But usually it's quiet. I would also advise everyone to not look at the ceiling when laying down in either of the bedrooms.... :/
What is it with authors making MCs whiny? I don't get it.
Yeah...we've got six. :/
Don't look at the ceiling?*PARPS* i'm not there and i'm scared.
i've heard of an OC, what's an MC?
Can I please stay over your house!? Can we set up camera's and stay up all night.. and look at the celling? What happens when you do? I've seen the celling spin in my house but that was due to absinthe :/
Always wanted to go on a ghost hunt!