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As aforementioned, we don't name members we are having problems with in threads - it's something best kept private and off the main board ;)

CT: Getting paid again - which is nice but sadly not adding to my bank balance much seeing as the electric bill just came through. Ouch...
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Autumn: do they shave the hair in summer...? :p

I'll have to make a study of it methinks. I'll be the next Darwin XD
Buuut, the UK doesn't get much of a summer, except for a week in November XD

Feeling depressed. Again. Damn London weather! Walk outside, and BAAM! The cold wind slams your face with rain!

That's why there's a coffee shop neraly every other shop in London. And falafel!
I miss London...

Anyways. I feel totally noobish for asking but what do you all mean when you type:

CT: Blah blah.

Change topic is the only thing I can come up with.
i can't believe the ignorance. NOT ALL PETS WHO ARE OVERWEIGHT ARE FAT BECAUSE THEY ARE OVERFED... some have medical conditions. Like our last cat.
Honestly... *shakes head* people like that make me want to scream.

Yay! all of the xmas decorations are up!

Shadow: Congrats with Nano :D

Autumn: A week in November... LOL! (But what a week! :D )
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@VB: Thank you! ^^ It was a rush. :P I agree about the pets. >_< Sad how people can forget about pets having medical problems that could mess with their bodies.

I just bought Bayonetta. Completely ignoring the fact that I don't have an xbox360 to play it on. And that my Gran won't actually let me keep it til after x-mas. Yay me! *dances*
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Have a good night everyone! :D
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@VB: Thank you! ^^ It was a rush. :p I agree about the pets. >_< Sad how people can forget about pets having medical problems that could mess with their bodies.

I just bought Bayonetta. Completely ignoring the fact that I don't have an xbox360 to play it on. And that my Gran won't actually let me keep it til after x-mas. Yay me! *dances*

What I used to do was just 'borrowed' the ps2 or gamecube for a couple of hours, then put them back. :P
But then i'm naughty
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Hurray for good communication! :)

After we jumped down each others throats. XD

EDIT: I hope people appreciate my occasional out of the blue philosophical essays. XD
it's nice for dad to have gone out to get a pasty and a xmas tree cookie, but i'm not letting him back in.... we've replaced him with Michael Buble. :D That's a good thing any day of the year. ;)
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