My girlfriend might be pregnant. I could be a dad. This is a lot of news to take in at such short notice. Oh life, why did you never prepare me for these things? Oh well, time for food.
My girlfriend might be pregnant. I could be a dad. This is a lot of news to take in at such short notice. Oh life, why did you never prepare me for these things? Oh well, time for food.
She's like: "Oh you are going to die!" and starts raining down hell.
I'm like: "Oh no I won't!" and skillfully dodges the first burst.
Then she goes: "Take a load of this!" and sends a barrage about 5x times the strength of the first burst.
I'm like: "WHY CAN'T I USE BOMBS!?" whilst I dodge it really good until I get cornered.
I'll never get that far again. I swear it. o.o
Are you high again?![]()
EDIT- seriously, everyone needs to type spawnshooter into Google image and look at what you get it's so creepy it's like all our photo's and stuff are tagged to my name! even things that aren't mine!
DOUBLE EDIT- yeah this is weird I've got VB's avi, Subjects sig even Lexy's Beowulf drawing and Cheez's tattoo?!?!
Wow, the coalition government just can't keep their mouths shut?
Certain types of rape not serious? You've gotta be kiddin me... all rape is serious you stupid f***.
Lexy: I believe it was something like that. Mind you if that happened to one of their family, the situation would be completely different.
That hole they're diggin keeps getting bigger.