@ Lexy
That wormholes are physically impossible because of the conservation of energy, he used this pic as an example
Wormhole paradox - I came up with a theory which may disprove the existance of wormholes. In this picture you can see that a ball is accelerated indefinately due to the earths gravity. This violates the conservation of energy!
Now I may not know much about the intricate workings of a wormhole (as no one does) but I know enough to know that this is a very funny theory. I tried explaining that the conservation of energy regards a closed system, not one that has external input, to which he was confused. In reality this "theory" is no different than playing tether ball in space where the pole is a wormhole and your hits against the ball work the same way as the gravity provided by the Earth, he still didn't understand that, so I just had to say if this experiment were possible you would either have to stop the Earth rotating around the Sun or for the wormhole to travel simultaneously with the Earth on its journey, which I said is more impossible than the existence of wormholes.....
That wormholes are physically impossible because of the conservation of energy, he used this pic as an example

Wormhole paradox - I came up with a theory which may disprove the existance of wormholes. In this picture you can see that a ball is accelerated indefinately due to the earths gravity. This violates the conservation of energy!
Now I may not know much about the intricate workings of a wormhole (as no one does) but I know enough to know that this is a very funny theory. I tried explaining that the conservation of energy regards a closed system, not one that has external input, to which he was confused. In reality this "theory" is no different than playing tether ball in space where the pole is a wormhole and your hits against the ball work the same way as the gravity provided by the Earth, he still didn't understand that, so I just had to say if this experiment were possible you would either have to stop the Earth rotating around the Sun or for the wormhole to travel simultaneously with the Earth on its journey, which I said is more impossible than the existence of wormholes.....