^ :huh: Where do people come up with these things? Honestly!
I think I might use Faye in the RP. She's witty. Sorta. She might be funny, at any rate, she doesn't do serious very good.

... That okay with you Vergil?
Why are you seeking my approval?
Because I'll be co-playing with you. *wink wink* Tee hee hee, I like using that word around you.
You know what I'm going to say, so why waste my breath?
Don't be like that Vergil D: If you don't want me to use her, I won't. God knows the last thing I want is to try make two stubborn characters to get along!
Don't underestimate the power of an original. I'm in the RP, kapish? If either of us has to go, it can be stone face over there.
Vergil? Can she join?
I'll pounce you if you don't change your mind in the next two minutes. And you know I'm for real.
You... Claire, where is my sword?
I didn't touch it!
I've got it.
Claire, return it to me or your character is doomed.
I can't!
She's right, she's got no control over me. I'm the stubborn one who always gets her way. You have one more minute or I will pounce you.
I'm sorry, Vergil. I can't even visualise Yamato in my mind because she's blocking it from me *points helplessly at Faye*
*evil sneer* Thirty seconds. *gets ready to launch at Vergil*
Can't you count? Barely a minute has passed.
Okay then. Five. Four.
...Claire, come on!
*shrugs helplessly* Sorry, Vergil. You're gonna have to cave this time.
*hangs head in defeat* Fine.
They always cave on the count of two. *bouncy bouncy happy chirpy triumphant* Copyrighted characters. Go figure.
I'm kidding! Good fireballs of Hades, can you chill already?
...can't believe I'll have to put up with this girl.
Better me than Courtney. Or Zoe.
Are we done with this discussion?
He likes just walking out on you like that, doesn't he?
Meh. He doesn't like people. Don't take offense.
Why do you always go for the crazy powerful blondes that don't like people?
I don't know, Faye. Let's do your profile tomorrow, okay?
^_^ Yay!