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If it's true they've actually killed Osama Bin Laden 'himself', this changes pretty much nothing. So they've nailed a financier and a figurehead, who will have made preparations for his death if he was smart, including distributing his money to his 2i/cs and selecting someone to take over when he's gone. Now it'll be played up as this massive important achievement on our side, when it's only symbolic. Why celebrate? It will probably lead to more retaliatory attacks, if the man killed wasn't a decoy.

Still I guess one less is something, even though hundreds of 'Taliban commanders' were let out of prison in Afghanistan last week by corrupt guards, for like, the third time in a few years. ¬_¬

Lol, it's propaganda. Obama will get quite a good reputation of Osama's death by his command. I don't know if it's fake or not, I don't really care. All I know is that many countries people don't like Al Qaida and the US saying they've shot Al Qaida's leading man makes them the cool peeps for a while.

CT: Meh... over two weeks. ;_;
And Arsenal football club have lost a lifelong supporter...apparently (seriously, he used to support them when he lived in the UK).
Bury Bin Laden at sea... why? It was supposed to be confirmed that it was him.
I dunno, there's something not right with it. Mind you, it's better than hearing about the 'newly wed royals' BORING!!!!

Please sore throat, go away, I want to get that album tomorrow :(
I heard that and don't believe that burial at sea thing. They just supposedly killed the FBI's Most Wanted and they're talking about disposing of the body at sea within 24 hours in accordance with Islamic tradition? DNA tests confirm that it's 'him' this fast and that's it, they chuck him into the big blue? I hope not. You don't stick a 25m bounty on some guy's head and hand his body over just like that. You make DAMN sure you got the right guy, surely.

Sure I can understand their not wanting him to be buried on land in case his grave becomes a 'shrine', nonetheless, I don't get it. Saddam's sons' bodies were held for 11 days minimum before the US released them for burial.

I could actually buy a budget PC part for part after doing my schoolwork. It's so easy it's ridiculous. DX
Just time consuming... REALLY time consuming.
Tenpole and Simon Le Bon... I'm on a roll BEBEH! (not together, that would just be weird...)

I think I'll be off, ooh i've got a b*tch of a headache.
What did I do now?

Seriously, just f*cking seriously... people say I shouldn't take things personal... yet still they are the ones taking what I say personal, now I don't even know what the hell could've ****ed off this one.

Edit: Small thinking, and I got to an epic conclusion. These people are none of my business, being nothing but idiots going around saying stuff without slightest proof.
I shouldn't worry, yet still they infuriate me. Hell, I just can't hold myself in whilst being around fools. >.<
Hmm....I think I want to change my sig, but I really like my current one. What to do?! :eek:

Also, this next bit is kind of a rant, but I can't be bothered to make a separate post in the ranting thread. Deal withz it! :cool:

How about you take a step back and consider that maybe for once you're the one at fault? Maybe people have just grown tired of you insulting them in blanketed ways? Maybe you are the one who is, dare I say it, wrong? *gasp* Oh no she didn't!

Or maybe they're just on their periods? :eek:
Hmm....I think I want to change my sig, but I really like my current one. What to do?! :eek:

Also, this next bit is kind of a rant, but I can't be bothered to make a separate post in the ranting thread. Deal withz it! :cool:

How about you take a step back and consider that maybe for once you're the one at fault? Maybe people have just grown tired of you insulting them in blanketed ways? Maybe you are the one who is, dare I say it, wrong? *gasp* Oh no she didn't!

Or maybe they're just on their periods? :eek:

Are you sure that person insulted others in the first place? I've got loads of experience of others thinking I insulted them when I just proved a point, maybe this person is just the same?
Like once, I just said what another person was subtly telling that they were saying ___. However I got no answer that it wasn't meant to be said ___. Instead, I got a very insulting response following words kinda like this: "You say I said ___? I didn't say something like that at all.".
That was no answer to what the person was actually saying, if the person was indeed misunderstood during a discussion that person would like to correct themselves, no? I pointed that out but suddenly I got a really annoying response of me taking things too personal and me being a stupid kid. Ohh yes indeed, that is the response. After that the person doesn't care to listen to any of my responses, my way to defend myself and simply ignores me. It is soooo sweet, just what I need.
What if this person of yours are suffering from similar experiences? I know for a fact that many usually insult their counterpart in a discussion/argument if they are cornered to make that person look bad. Insult how? By telling that they are insulting others, that they are the ones being wrong without giving a points how and by contributing nothing but insulting comments.

Sorry for sharing that Meg. I'm kinda filled with these disturbing memories, I kinda need to share so it doesn't hurt that I share through an example, right?
Are you sure that person insulted others in the first place? I've got loads of experience of others thinking I insulted them when I just proved a point, maybe this person is just the same?
Like once, I just said what another person was subtly telling that they were saying ___. However I got no answer that it wasn't meant to be said ___. Instead, I got a very insulting response following words kinda like this: "You say I said ___? I didn't say something like that at all.".
That was no answer to what the person was actually saying, if the person was indeed misunderstood during a discussion that person would like to correct themselves, no? I pointed that out but suddenly I got a really annoying response of me taking things too personal and me being a stupid kid. Ohh yes indeed, that is the response. After that the person doesn't care to listen to any of my responses, my way to defend myself and simply ignores me. It is soooo sweet, just what I need.
What if this person of yours are suffering from similar experiences? I know for a fact that many usually insult their counterpart in a discussion/argument if they are cornered to make that person look bad. Insult how? By telling that they are insulting others, that they are the ones being wrong without giving a points how and by contributing nothing but insulting comments.

Sorry for sharing that Meg. I'm kinda filled with these disturbing memories, I kinda need to share so it doesn't hurt that I share through an example, right?
Um.....ok? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, but based on what I got from your post, let me say this:

If a person feels insulted by something someone said, then that person insulted them whether they meant to or not. If you don't believe me then read up on interpersonal communications. Its quite interesting actually.
Um.....ok? I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, but based on what I got from your post, let me say this:

If a person feels insulted by something someone said, then that person insulted them whether they meant to or not. If you don't believe me then read up on interpersonal communications. Its quite interesting actually.

Yeah, you are right. But the thing is, many people feels insulted when they are cornered in an argument and their true side shows whislt being contradicted. Does that give them right to insult others backwards and then refuse any other responses?
No, I won't read obvious text.
Yeah, you are right. But the thing is, many people feels insulted when they are cornered in an argument and their true side shows whislt being contradicted. Does that give them right to insult others backwards and then refuse any other responses?
No, I won't read obvious text.
Um.....ok? Stiiiiill not sure I know what you're getting at.

CT: Time for my math final. e_e
Um.....ok? Stiiiiill not sure I know what you're getting at.

CT: Time for my math final. e_e

Just me ranting with something that should be quite easy to understand. Maybe I just think so because I spent lots of my time interpreting discussion after discussion but if you ever get treated the same several times you will understand, I promise.

I has an idea! :3

There's some really talented artists on here, so I was thinking about setting up a Prompts for artwork. Would anyone be interested? Any type of art is aloud. There wouldn't be any voting like for the story prompts because its kinda unfair to compare graphic art, paintings, drawings, and sculpture all together. It would just be a fun way to get the creativity going. ^^
Also! Since there would be no voting submissions for each would be open for an unlimited amount of time.

So? Would anyone be interested in that?

I has an idea! :3

There's some really talented artists on here, so I was thinking about setting up a Prompts for artwork. Would anyone be interested? Any type of art is aloud. There wouldn't be any voting like for the story prompts because its kinda unfair to compare graphic art, paintings, drawings, and sculpture all together. It would just be a fun away to get the creativity going. ^^
Also! Since there would be no voting submissions for each would be open for an unlimited amount of time.

So? Would anyone be interested in that?

I would love to do that!

Now I just need a fricking scanner...
I would love to do that!

Now I just need a fricking scanner...

Have some camera? Take a photo, connect to the pc, post it on DA or anywhere you can submit photos, put the link there. Voalá!