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What Are You Thinking?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I never would have thought that thread could get any funnier than it already was.
I was wrong.

CT:Good one, Meg. You should do another one next year. XD
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
seriously? he has a new album out? hmm, i'll bear that in mind.
Oh eck, i think i'm gonna be sick

EDIT ~ Oh yeah. I've killed Nite. And i'm no long obsessed with you-know-who.


Don't trust people
Ahh... my friends around me are wrong all the time. It's getting tiresome argumenting with people of such low understanding of their surroundings. That they dare approach my territory and try to make a point on how I am. I can do nothing more then crush their petty arguments... and then proceed to leave them humiliated as if a cat got their tongue. -.-

They hide their defeat, but no, I know I've got them cornered. Then can't speak, they lack the words... or the brains for that matter. Friends? Are they truly friends? No, friends is nothing but an illusion. A supposed friend doesn't attack other friends personality, ways or interests. A little humiliation could do them good, let them suffer for a while.

And if anyone even would care to read this, I don't think I'm any better if that is what you think. I'm worse and that is a well known fact.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Alec, don't apologize! Clary deserved what you did to her! Plus, you're way too good for Jace. He's into incest, the sickfuck. He and Clary deserve each other. *gags*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
That's what I get for not preparing! o_O

Goddamn, Azure Flame God is right... He kicked my ass! What a little ass, using Data Drain on me twice... Cheeky. Very cheeky.


Somehow, I know I'm destined for something greater than this. Caesar, how you've inspired me! Now I must find Xena, tie her to a 2x4, and smash her legs to pieces >.>
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