What Are You Thinking?

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Agh! WHY?
Despite the somewhat awkward and curt dialogue (from ALL the characters), she actually makes me give a damn about them. And not just the 'good' guys either. She makes me care about ALL of them. Even though that one is in the wrong and this one is screwing up, I still care. The only bad guy I can truly hate on is his mother, the literal ice queen. Gah! I'm so conflicted! I don't know if I want her to end up with him now! He's just doing what he feels he must do to restore order, so he does CARE even if he's a vain and arrogant dick, and he can't do it without her, which makes me want to go 'just give in, GIVE IN AISLYNN, DO IT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!' But then at the same time, I don't want her to give in because she's strong and resilient and smart and just another normal girl burdened with abnormal abilities and just how long is she going to be able to hide that fact from him, I wonder? And if she gives in, then he'll break her, and if she doesn't break then Seth most certainly will. Poor Seth! He's the only innocent in this whole mess! I want her to end up with Seth, they're just soooo DAWWWWWW together, and I'd snatch him up in a heartbeat! But then there's also Donia...who I think feels pretty much the same way I do. Get Aislynn to hook up with Royal-Ass and be turned into a shade as punishment, or keep them apart only to suffer for a few more decades of facing him every day and fading away. So conflicted! What to do?! What to want?!
And again I ask, WHY?!?!

I ask myself that quite a lot. Though I usually also have it underlined. Bolded and italicized aren't enough for me.

Hey now. SE stole Lightning from me. I just took her back while screaming, "MIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE :mad:!!!!!!"

I like how two people "like" that.

I also like how deadpan I'm being with my humor tonight.
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Reactions: Master Vergil
I can't keep drawing vergil's hair... it never looks the same and always turns out terrible... whats the point in perfectionism if you can't get it right after the first time.
The other village store has reopened after months of being closed up - I'm going to see what they've got. Hopefully something more appetising than SPAR has. XD
okay, i've texted them like they asked... hmmm, why do i get the feeling that there lurks a murderer behind those eyes.

CT: I hope that's dribble.
Where can i get that song to?
"I'm such a geek. If I'm not playing video games, I'm playing pretend. My Bela Lugosi voice is pretty authentic sounding... If only I could make the voice at will..." "I need to start on making a recording of my song Sacrificial Rites. Hopefully my family of Christians won't wail on me via Facebook over the fact that I like to write songs and poems about paganism."

Oh god oh god oh god memories are flooding back...

*quickly makes a song out of this. A goth or post punk song*
The dreadful memories of the demonic havens
Coming back as if I skirted a brains of prisons
The memories of the search for the blood stains
The memories of the destructions of the sane
The entry made as if a sentry wasn't there
Guards seeming as if they weren't present
To protect the lair

Hey. Thanks for the awesome song draft I just made. I might make this my new song. You can pitch in if you want, Silv. Just email me any guitar chord sheets and the like you'd like me to use as the general beat. Maybe I could go to the local coffee shop, in hopes of maybe introducing post punk to the town with this song.
great lyrics

don't tell me my real name has scared him off.
No wonder i preferred being called VB.

CT: Is the song i'm looking for swords of 1000 men by tenpole tudor? i know i've got the group right, but i have no clue about the song
Okay I know you want to honor his last wish, but still, even if it doesn't do any good to bring him back, why NOT bring him back for the simple sake of friendship? It confuses me...
What's better than a hug?
Better than a kiss?
Better than a cuddle?
Better than a smile?
Better than a gift?
Better than chocolate cake?

Um... <.< LOL...I know what you're going to say.

A review.
I knew it! XDDDD
Check it out. I'm red...with style! ;)
Betcha pew-pew boy didn't think of that.

:cool: I don't need to try as hard as you do to be stylish.

No time for muses today, sorry guys! :p