I am trying to figure alternatives to eBay to sell on. They are getting ridiculous. Now they want a cut of postage fees as well, which isn't a service they provide (but the seller's responsibility), but their spokesman basically said, "well what the hell, Amazon and everyone else do it, so can we." Blatantly skirted the question of how they justify taking a cut from something they have nothing to do with.
And now you can't even use the word "strike" in your listings, because that gets instantly flagged as 'undermining the buyer experience'. ...What? So your own policy of giving non-paying buyers unpaid strikes against them isn't to be talked about or mentioned in case it scares them off, huh, eBay?
I've very nearly had it with eBay. They treat honest sellers like scum, they don't help the buyers or the sellers sort their stuff out, all they want is $$$. The sooner this ship sinks itself the better. ¬_¬