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"I wonder what perk involving rad resistance has the best resistance... Rad Resistance seems promising, but what if I need a damage related perk or want Dogmeat to give birth when it dies? So many choices!"

Yeah. Playing Fallout 3, and am trying to prepare for a dangerous field trip to a place filled with radiation, but am so confused. Level cap of 30 due to Broken Steel being installed makes me feel like I'm in a game store, and am tempted to buy the store's entire stock...

New thought!

"My mom just gave me advice on a game she doesn't completely understand and it feels like it is best to follow it."

Mom told me the best perk to choose was Rad Resistance. She hears my adventures in the game all the time, so she must know it somewhat. Heh. Also, yes, the game I play 90% of the time is Fallout 3. It just feels so easy to escape into when I'm sad, angry, or just want to escape from the real world. I'm pathetic. Haha.

"Hell yeah. Three Dog! Awooo!"

And now I'm fangirling over Three Dog from Fallout 3.
Vergil'sBitch;302181 said:
^we got ours today too. No wonder they don't release the details of them until 100 years have passed.

Just GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Yay more Vergilness :D

That's the thing - government workers keep leaving laptops and USB dongles on trains with public information stored on them for anyone to find...
Lexy;302198 said:
That's the thing - government workers keep leaving laptops and USB dongles on trains with public information stored on them for anyone to find...

Thanks. I'm playing Fallout 3, shooting corrupt government in that game, and now I'm relating your post to Fallout 3.

Have I been playing too much of Fallout 3 if I have logged 100 hours in almost every playthrough? And I've played it all day on most days since I bought it?

Guess the answer is yes...
Vergil'sBitch;302189 said:
Yes, i can see them too, horrible things
:mad: is no one on my side....

Im always on your side VB and yours too Vergil my man :)




Im trying to spread DMC-ness all round!

wheres DT with the Nero-ness?
:wub: Thankies Spawnshooter
I'm hyper again! WHOOOOOT!

I need a drink... *bounces off the walls*

Lexy: if that happens, all the data will be out within a year.
It had better not - I HATE giving out personal information like that. . . I like my anonimity. :ninja:
^same here.
That's probably why i love being VB so much.
My ethnicity is going down as Cornish though, i didn't know it was law that you had to fill them in, hell i might just even put my name as Vergil's Bitch in the damn thing :lol: joke.

I better be off. There's a glass of milk with my name on it.

*bashes head into wall*

I've so many gosh darn stories I'm working on!!!! GAAAAAH! I need to just FINISH one of them. Any of them. I keep starting new ones without finishing others first and now I'm just SWAMPED! Never mind the fact that two of my stories are the first in a gosh darn series! What am I doing to myself? I need to write.

..............Though of course working on the story I'm the closest to being done is to smart for me. Nah, I'll work on this instead.
SpawnShooter;302188 said:

Just spreading some Dante-ness for the Ebster! :P

EDIT:i dont think im doin MSN right :\

:D Ha! thanks Spawn. I read the last page of the thread first and thought - 'What's with all this bloody Vergil-ness! I need to counter attack this!' and then and found this and thought yay! I need to go to work now, so it's good to know I have people helping me end all the suffering caused by "lack of Dante syndrome" or L.O.D.S! :lol:
*crosses fingers*

For those of you looking for a longer thought, look elsewhere. You're wasting about 4 seconds of your life reading this. Why are you still reading? STOP! Those are seconds you'll never get back!

No, seriously, do you have anything better to do?

CT: Stupid joke aside, I'm kinda... Conflicted about a lotta stuff... Not sure if I wanna go into detail.