Why does everyone say Marcus likes me? Just because we slow danced for thirty minutes through fast songs doesn't mean anything...
I thought he was gay.
Miguel's gay, Marcus is bi.
Also, Dani, he likes you, believe it or not. And I know you like him back.
I do not...
Really? That's totally why you kept thinking about him and talking about him all day. I mean, I can't blame you though; he's blond, nice, funny, he likes to hug you a LOT, calls you sexy/pretty/beautiful all the time...and why I can't I have him?
Because you're a figment of Dani's imagination and he's fourteen.
Mattie thinks I should ask him out.
You should. The worst he can say is no.
Maybe...in a couple of days.
Meaning "never". I know your language.
._. Fine, I'll do it tomorrow. Or, I'll at least find out if he likes me tomorrow.
*pats Dani's head* Good girl.