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What Are You Thinking?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
WTF!!!You've turned me into a bad transvestite!
No wonder ppl think i'm a boy!
No wonder i'm a f***ing loner!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
A female robotic anthropomorphic dragon that ISN'T a sl*t.




Well-known Member
Ok so me and my roommate just found a mouse in our room, trapped it, accidentally killed it, and got rid of it. I mean what the hell.


Super Penguin Number 2
Dead Rising 2 is great. Monsters (the energy soda...contradiction) are delicious. I have the most wonderful girlfriend ever. XD


Crazy Chick
"Open minded? Well kiss my ass!" *while reading stuff on Kotaku >____>*

Also, working on a Dino cosplay (lol) and wondering where I can get some chocolate cigarettes/Quality Sticks! :p


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
No, not popping ears... I can't sleep if my ears are popping. It'll drive me round the friggin bend.

EDIT: My cat just went for a walk on my keyboard and 'wrote' this


Crazy Chick
Vergil'sB*tch;279770 said:
No, not popping ears... I can't sleep if my ears are popping. It'll drive me round the friggin bend.

EDIT: My cat just went for a walk on my keyboard and 'wrote' this

hopefully yours will go away. my ears pop whenever I swallow and it's been doing that for a year now. took me forever to get used to it but it still drives me mad sometimes D:

lol, my cat would probably break my keyboard if she sat on it xD


Crazy Chick
Just woke up and my hair looks like Dino's in this pic:

Needless to say, i'm taking pictures of myself right now because of it. xD


Dante enthusiast!
I'm wondering when there will be any new DmC info??
Not sure if I wanna hear more or not! >_<


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
fon: our last cat was quite big too. (Big and cuddly) I miss him... Tilly is tiny in comparison.

There's nothing like a lonely walk on a beach near to a sewage outlet.
I was out on the pull, the only thing i pulled was a muscle when i was running away from the incoming tide.

I'm feeling sick and very tired... and very alone
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