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What Are You Thinking?


Well-known Member

I got the college credits for my AP class. I did well enough on the test. :lol:

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Devil Bane;259758 said:
I guess merda means merde in french which means s-


Well it doesn't get censored so I have every right to use it!
And half the people don't know what it means, so don't tell on me :(

Dante's been torturing me all night.
For real, I couldn't sleep. I just lay there thinking 'I want to carry on playing DMC3'.
It's like Christmas for me. Only better! :D

CHEERS!!! *waves*
*trips running to the PS2*

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
LOL. Daryl was even a gutsy, c0cky little bastard when he was six.
You told your fourteen year old brother to "**** off, dip****!" after stealing and eating his toast.
He said he was going to beat the **** out of me if I didn't throw the toast up. What else was I supposed to to say? "Sure! I'll shove my finger down my throat and barf it up for ya!"
No, I was just pointing it out.
That was '96. Why are we thinking about things from '96? And Jacob's dead, anyway.
I know. >.<
+ God, I love this song.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I'm watching Titanic, and the only part i like is the sinking... is that me just being the mean heartless cow that i am. or will i understand it when when i fall in love :lol:
VB... In love... hilarious :lol:


Oldschool DMC fan
Nope, I was dying for it to get to the action too. And by action I mean the screaming, mass death and floating babies (all shown at teatime on Xmas Day).


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Had it been anything else at teatime on Xmas day including all of that (ie Eastenders) there would be a mass hysteria.
I only like it when DiCaprio dies anyway. Oh, and when the ship splits in half... can you believe, i was made to study that film back in school! NUTS!

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
OMG!!! You even die like a pansy!!!

Because you fight like a pansy!

I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to the dead guy over there!

I'm not dead.

You pansy boy!

You know it's a universal knowledge that it is not the sword that wins or loses the fight, right?

*dangerously*What are you implying?

Whatcha think, midget?

Don't make me kill you too.

You've killed me over 50 times in the time span of 6 hours. I think I can take it.

CT: Why can't I smash that thing in Mission 7? You know in the elevator room? You need something to activate the elevator, and the only thing IN the room is that weird statue with the fire. I can't beat it. I get my rank up to Showtime with Rebellion and then IT JUST GOES DOWN no matter what I do. I'm sick of it! Damn inanimate object!
So now I'm playing Vergil.
And starting to wonder whether I like Vergil more than Dante. Play wise, I mean. Air-trick - :wub: it.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Um, Chloe? The Combat Adjudicators are almost rigged. >.> I had to be super lucky to break the first one you find that's Nevan oriented, and you only had to get up to a B rank with that!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Nicodemus Zamoran;259841 said:
Actually, I found it easy for Nevan's. I DTed, flew into the air, and did the melee attack on the statue. It worked like a charm.

I didn't have the initiative to do that. >.> I just attacked and button mashed until something worked.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
And you don't have to be super skilled to do the one in the elevator room. Just go on easy with auto..whatever..that allows you to do combos with less button presses.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I can't DT yet! Vergil hasn't stabbed me yet! D:
And I mashed those buttons until my thumb was crooked, it still didn't work. Plus, I'm a dimwit because I didn't select Dante on automatic. Which combos do you string together to break the Showtime rank? I think once I get that done it should do the trick.
And what Nevan? I haven't come across her yet.
Did I miss something??? Or is it still coming?
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