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Went to see Rise Against tonight. They were great, managed to get to the front of the crowd. I also got punched in the eye, so that was fun. After so many years of listening to Make It Stop , experiencing it live was awesome.
I keep getting e-mails that someone is trying to use password recovery to get into my first dA account I deactivated ages ago. It's both aggravating and weird and I wish they actually had an option of deleting the account.

+Just got notified by the seller that for whatever reason a mug I ordered was sent back by the customs. And i was so looking forward to it, it was double insulated and supposedly can keep coffee warmer for longer time.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to reconsider whether it will be necessary to sacrifice a virgin or will keeping fingers crossed be enough for that figure of Liquid Snake I did end up ordering to not suffer the same fate.
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Already got a start on my Christmas shopping, because (and deja vu, here) budgeting is a thing. If I do a little bit of shopping each month leading up to it, Christmas won't hit as brutally as it would if I left it all to the last minute. ._.

+It's so nice to be able to breathe again. ^^
So if I wanna see the deck list and your explanation on how to use the deck, I gotta join your Discord or eff off? The same Discord server you CHARGE people to enter? That's double the greed. Such an a-hole.
And he's an idiot either way, cause from the video itself people can see what cards are in the deck and guess the ones they didn't get to see based on the meta.

What would happen if Numenera fused with Technomancer?

Universal implosion, I would imagine.
How do all you writers just get to it? A while ago I took a creative writing course but since then I haven't done anything writing-related. I always tell myself I'm going to start writing soon but it just doesn't work.

Maybe, deep down, you don't actually like it as much as you thought.
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How do all you writers just get to it? A while ago I took a creative writing course but since then I haven't done anything writing-related. I always tell myself I'm going to start writing soon but it just doesn't work.

It's different for everybody, but for me, personally? There was a long time where I couldn't; at least not with original stories. I'd start, get maybe a couple of chapters in, then lose the thread. Partly, I expect, because I didn't outline (which not everyone needs to, but I think for someone like me, outlining is a must)--and partly because I hadn't found characters and a plot that worked well together.

The reason I can "get to it" now is because of my characters. I don't know what it is or why it is, but there's something about them that makes me want to work; makes me want to see through their eyes, experience things as they do.

Don't get me wrong, there are days where I drag my feet at the thought of sitting down to work. But I also know unless I get to it, I'll be restless and grouchy. I love writing, but on the days when I'm feeling less in love with it? I figure compulsion is what gets me through.

I echo Rebel Dynasty's sentiments. My characters and what wacky dialogue I can write for them is what spurs me forward. For example in one of my chapters the world is doomed in the truest sense of the word and yet I was able to write in a sex joke that 1) Brings levity to a serious situation and 2) fits perfectly with the foolishness that characters typically exert. However I must also admit that several, SEVERAL times I have looked at my computer and yelled "Computer, I would rather rape you in your USB port than write another sentence!" :eek: So forcing yourself to write is a needed evil.:bored:
In fact Rebel Dynasty once told me that I should write when I feel less inclined to do so. I've found that I could mend that choppy, terrible, "I didn't want to write" writing into passable or superb chapters. Another thing, I tend to write the most when I'm sad. Why?
Because I can finally exert "control" over something in my God forsaken life! AND I LIKE IT. Moral of the story is find what works for you and exploit the hell out of it. If nothing, I mean truly nothing works then perhaps writing is not your cup of tea.
But at least you tried and learned something about yourself. Best of luck. :thumbsup:

I forgot what I was thinking. :cautious: Damn it! :eek:

Critic: What about USB ports now? O_o

Me: NOTHING! :bored:
@Sparda's rejected son Did I? O_O I don't recall. It doesn't always work out, but it beats the hell out of waiting around for inspiration--which frankly smacks of laziness whenever people say it. If everyone did that, nothing would ever get done. Mostly though, it's about finding a balance. Writing can't always be forced; some days you glue your ass to the seat, trying and trying to get the words down--and they just don't come. On days like that, you probably need a break.

Most important of all, though: There is no "one size fits all" method to writing. If you want to do it--genuinely love it, need it, whatever--you'll find a way to make it work.

CT: On that subject, I'm just slogging through edits today.

Phenex: *Scoffing* Today? Try for the past week!

Tell me something I don't know. :frown:
How do all you writers just get to it? A while ago I took a creative writing course but since then I haven't done anything writing-related. I always tell myself I'm going to start writing soon but it just doesn't work.

I think it's different for everyone, but it really depends on the day for me? On a good day, it's pretty effortless. On a bad, I just have to force myself to write. Just sit down in front of a doc/piece of paper, and write. Even if you only get a single sentence written or a couple words done, it's better than nothing, isn't it? Besides, you can always fix stuff you don't like later.

Decided to extend my hiatus another week to get more stuff done. And to play more ESO. Gonna be a champion soon. =D

+DoV, when will your writing end??? D:
Appreciate all the replies!

@Rebel Dynasty I get what you mean about the characters motivating you, the want to explore who the are and how they experience things. It's kind of fascinating to me lol, cause you want to know what goes through their heads and how they look at their lives, even though you yourself are the one making all of that.

@Sparda's rejected son Exploring your options gets you rolling eh, I can get behind that. To me that sounds like exploring your imagination, seeing all the ways you can write dialogues and being surprised with what you can make work, like with your example of a sex joke being made in a serious situation, and it just fitting really well!

@Shadow Discipline probably also has to do with it. Writing a couple sentences is already better than writing nothing at all. Honestly so far I've mostly been taking notes of the way the characters are, how they relate to one another, specific things I'd like to put into the plot, etc. I prefer doing that just so I can be fully ready when I start going for real. But even then the notes-taking can't go on forever and I haven't done that in a long time either.

Okay now the most inportant point is probably this.
Maybe, deep down, you don't actually like it as much as you thought.
I don't think that's true, because I think about the story I want to write down quite a lot and I never really get bored of it either.

My main issue may be...embarrassment. When I'm thinking about writing and when I am in fact behind my laptop making notes about my story, the thought of it being weird or dumb sometimes enters my head. It feels like 0 people I know do these sorts of things and think about writing/stories the way I do. Looking at myself compared to the others, it makes me feel like I'm strange, unusual. I guess that may be why I'm not comfortable with writing yet.

Oookay I got pretty serious there. Technically I'm not going off-topic because these are things I'm thinking so it's all good haha

Let me share a little secret with you-

Critic: It's not a secret if you're sharing it-

Me: Shut up! :eek:

I am super embarrassed to tell people what my book is about. In truth, it is a super hero story heavily inspired by the Power Rangers and Rosario + Vampire franchise/series. However I can not for the life of me tell people about it because I feel so stupid for conceiving such an idea. :blush: With that said I still continue to write/edit it because I WILL finish it.
I will go so far as to publish it (posting it other forums aside) if I can. The moral I am trying to bring up is "write despite your embarrassment." You will be fine trust me and the crazy hobo who lives in my closest. :cool:

Hobo: Can I have food now-

Me: Shut up Stacy and go back in the closest! :eek: Don't make me beat dat a@s. :bored:

(If you or anyone for that matter asks me what the story I will answer questions and/or provide you with the summary. But I still feel goofy talking about my work. But as "Unofficial Squadron Akibaranger" has taught me: "Pain is power!")

In other news:

It is only a matter of time before I burn for this. >_>