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I feel like I'm going to regret this late night snack... :cautious:

Dragon Ball Super's second opening song is so damn good! I've been humming it for like, two days. :rolleyes:

*Watches TV* "So your saying all I have to do is send my poop :poop: in a box?" What has the world come too?! :eek:

*Watches more TV* Stop guilt tripping me into donating money to sick children! :eek: I'll donate to the helpless animals thou. :'(

I think the edits made to "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time" are unfounded and uncalled for. Bring back the chanting, the moon symbol, and the endless pausing for the Iron Boots. :bored:
Still better than The Cursed Child.

Seriously though, this is actually pretty well made.
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It's so 50/50 with this book. Half the time, I like the writing and where things are going; the other half, I'm irritated with the telling, the info-dumping, and the borderline Mary-Sueness of the main character. And the awkward as hell dialogue between her and her friends. On the plus side, no love-triangle trope being flogged to death.

I mean, don't get me wrong: when done right, they're okay. It's just something you see too much of, so it's a nice change of pace when the friendship dynamic is more thoroughly explored.

I also feel like this book would have made a better Middle-grade book, than YA. Why do 16-year-olds come across as 12 in this? Seriously, why? If it had been labelled Middle-grade and the characters seemed more their age (and the two boys were actually distinguishable from one another), I'd be gentler with it.

Ah, well. It's still a decent enough read that I'll be finishing it.
I assume it's because the younger crowd prefers to be called YA (even if it is through an arbitrary label) than... middle grade.

Go easy. I know it's tough to ask, but since I'm also in the middle of reading a few of these... titles myself, I'm doing my best to resist the urge to criticize.

It might be fair criticism sure, but it can still come off as... overbearing to some.

I've seen what other 'critics' (ugh) have had to say about some of these books, and while they might (or might not) be right, I'd still prefer not to act like them -- especially since it's the 'cool' thing to do -- being cynical and condescending at the expense of others.

Not saying you're like them, I'm saying that good intentions in the beginning can turn someone's critique into something... grotesque (if given enough time and energy to vent for that long).

I can PM you the vid to show you what I'm talking about if you want... I severely dislike it when people go off the rails simply to make fun.
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Going to spend the day watching movies. Got John Wick and Lego Batman in mind, and then some horror flicks with the fiancée later. Not sure what's for dinner, guess whatever's in the fridge freezer. Definitely going to forget about money worries today and just chill.

Think it'll be a good day.
I assume it's because the younger crowd prefers to be called YA (even if it is through an arbitrary label) than... middle grade.

Go easy. I know it's tough to ask, but since I'm also in the middle of reading a few of these... titles myself, I'm doing my best to resist the urge to criticize.

It might be fair criticism sure, but it can still come off as... overbearing to some.

I've seen what other 'critics' (ugh) have had to say about some of these books, and while they might (or might not) be right, I'd still prefer not to act like them -- especially since it's the 'cool' thing to do -- being cynical and condescending at the expense of others.

Not saying you're like them, I'm saying that good intentions in the beginning can turn someone's critique into something... grotesque (if given enough time and energy to vent for that long).

I can PM you the vid to show you what I'm talking about if you want... I severely dislike it when people go off the rails simply to make fun.

Sure, hook me up. My curiosity's piqued. :)

As to the middle-grade thing, one of my favourite series (The Chrestomanci books) falls under that category. The funny thing is, Diana Wynne Jones' writing is very complex, while dealing with characters 13 and under in age. So I guess it kind of varies; there's complexly-written middle-grade, and there is simplistic. Same goes for YA.

It's more the technical aspects of how this one book is written that I'm having a hard time ignoring. ^^; I do get what you're saying, though. I watch some booktubers, and while I like a few, others I stopped following or paying any real heed to when they'd start nitpicking every. Little. Thing. Some of them are outright snobs. >.>

CT: Three more chapters to comb through (again). I think I can officially say no more extra scenes are required for FotS. I might want to consider them for TMT's second draft, though. It still feels like more needs to be shown of the renegades.
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Well I did it. I have watched every Uncut episode of Dragon Ball (original) and Dragon Ball Z from DB episode 1 to DBZ episode 291. That's a combined total of 444 episodes! That includes all the DB movies Uncut and the DBZ specials and movies Uncut.
It was a hell of a ride to watch Son Goku grow up from being a ignorant, monkey boy in the mountains to a alien martial arts legend. Shapeshifting pigs, a color based army, aliens, a shapeshifting Space emperor, and then fianlly a universal battle with a pink bubble gum monster. It was all brilliant and charming! Now my goal is to finish Dragon Ball GT Uncut (and its special) and then off to Dragon Ball Super!
(Or rather continue to watch DB Super)

Pros of DB:

Son Goku
The toilet humor
Lunch (aka Launch)
Super Saiyan Blue
And the Tournament Announcer

The cons of DB:

To little focus on the humans after DB.
Not enough Piccolo.
Not enough Lunch (aka Launch)
Lack of mystical-ness atmosphere in DBZ.
I've seen some of "Episode One" of Detective Conan last night and something caught my interest... There is such thing as XYZ cocktail, but in that sea of recipes I can't find if it actually has the meaning "end of line" (and has a dangerous connotation), or is that something characteristic for City Hunter and referenced in Detective Conan.
Now that I'm done reading it, I think I can recant at least half of my criticisms toward it. (Seriously, I should know better than to make snap judgments before reaching the end. Isn't that one of the things I get annoyed about when others do it? Way to be a hypocrite, Rebel). :blush: Only the technical bits remain. I wonder why I can't find the sequel in paperback, though, considering book three is coming out this year?

+Draft 2.5 done. Guess I'll take a couple of days off before jumping into TMT's second draft.

++ I'm starting to wish I had a faerie cleaning service like Harry Dresden does. It would free up so much of my time. x_x