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I wish they bring Dead Space 2 back with back wards compatibility since I particularly loved 2 the most, because it had an awesome story and great gameplay. It also has, in my opinion, one of the best dialogues in video games

Me: Damn Isaac you cold.

Loved that bit :P
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You know...I could appreciate the thought behind Fable Day up until this exact moment. Because this is the moment when I realized I'm going to have to format at least two chapters by morning tomorrow. Which includes rereading, editing, fixing the italics, and organizing the layout. Which, on one site, takes hours. Why couldn't we have just done a sit in or something right in front of Microsoft's hq? It would have been easier and I would have had an excuse to throw rotten fruit at people. As it is...farewell sleep. I shall miss you.
"Everything is wonderful, therefor this is the worst day ever." <- Basically Malice. I'm pretty sure he's the evil, sassy-glass-jar-warlord version of grumpy cat. ...aw, man, now I wanna use that "I had fun once, it was awful" line with him. Dang it.

+ Welp, Lozz should be getting the one shot soon...a little late is better than never, eh?
Looking back, gotta love how, when I complained how boring and sleep inducing the Mass was, my mom used to say "If you pay attention it won't bore you".

Pay attention to what? It's the same drivel every time except for a couple of points.
First a huge hole opens in middle of one of this town's big and very busy roads, then a smaller one at another part of the town, and now an earthquake shakes up Slovenia and vibrations spread all the way here. I didn't feel a bloody thing, but people report crapping their pants. Some ruined their pants for the fact nuclear plant is located around there.

If someone is trying to open the gates of Hell, would they kindly wait till I'm done replaying all the games I own?
First a huge hole opens in middle of one of this town's big and very busy roads, then a smaller one at another part of the town, and now an earthquake shakes up Slovenia and vibrations spread all the way here. I didn't feel a bloody thing, but people report crapping their pants. Some ruined their pants for the fact nuclear plant is located around there.

If someone is trying to open the gates of Hell, would they kindly wait till I'm done replaying all the games I own?

The game they wanted to play probably got cancelled. So now they're trying to open a gate to hell so they can sell their soul to play it. If that doesn't work, Armageddon. They're probably screaming "if I can't game, no one will!" Beware of nerds that can summon demons...beware....

I hate editing.

+ If people could stop following completed stories, that'd be really nice, okay? >_<
Tonight is the Capcom Live Orchestra concert in Boston, we should find out if Johnny and Reuben's mocap was for that by tomorrow. I hope someone can find some kind of video from the event or at the very least, a blog or review that would say if there was new DMC video that's not from the games.
Virtual reality sex suits!!!!!

Really Japan, REALLY!! Like wtf.
wait are you actually surprised by this?

Japan is the fictional porn capital of the world

there are places where people can legit worship there waifus

they have been working toward the goal of having Virtual sex with fictional woman for years

i'm more surprised that it has taken them this long
wait are you actually surprised by this?

Japan is the fictional porn capital of the world

there are places where people can legit worship there waifus

they have been working toward the goal of having Virtual sex with fictional woman for years

i'm more surprised that it has taken them this long
O_O........... For real I did not know about this. I knew about the waifu thing but holy crap I did not know that this was the desire of many Japanese people. Makes me kind of sad that they have one of the greatest minds in anime, manga and games yet there are many like this. *sigh*
FFN's upload area seems to be glitching a lot more lately. I'm not sure if it's cuz my chapters are stupidly long or because it doesn't like me. :unsure: Both seem likely.

Edit: Okay, SparkaTale's not letting my paste my docs into the chapter thing. I've got it ready to upload on every other site and...nope. Because SaT is weird. What do you mean you can't access my clipboard? Every other writing site can access it! Ugh. >_< I guess I'll just upload it to the other sites for the moment. Maybe SaT will change its mind if I wait.

Yet Another Edit: Okay, revamped chapt 23 of MoI's up everywhere but SaT.
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Gonna have to buy those balloons from Canada and customs charges be damned. It won't be a proper 15th birthday party without balloons everywhere, insulting my daughter with stuff like, "die already", "you suck", "nobody here likes you" and my personal favourite, "we don't know who your real parents are".

I am the best mother ever.
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