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Why does everything I love, everyone else hates?

I love Ben Affleck's Batman look--NOPEITBADNOLANBATMANBETTER!!!





I kind of enjoy Teen Titans Go--NOTTGSUCKSYOUSUCKCNSUCKS!!!

Like people, can you blow yourselves and get off my nuts??

Ben Affleck's batman look is the closest to the Batman Animated series.

DmC:Devil May Cry is really cool and its better than DMC in many ways

Constantaine was and still an amazing TV Show Some people just can't tell between black and dark blue

Kristen Stewart is an amazing actress some people are just plain simple minded

I like Teen Titans Go. Its funny, its different and has something new every episode

And I hate what Teen Titans Go is because I remember when Teen Titans use to be about something.

Dude you're like the Grinch. You hate everything.
Animated Series? I thought they took the design from Dark Knight Returns.

Only a few.

All this talk about Constantine makes me want to watch it.

Amazing actress? Wow. Man, she's as expressive as a wooden chair.
I'm curious to know why you consider her so great. No kidding, I'm genuinely curious.
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Is it because I hate Christmas too? I don't hate everything lol. I'm just.....critical. And cynical.

Yes you do. Things doesn't always have to be about something or be just like how you want them to be. to be good or fun.

Animated Series? I thought they took the design from Dark Knight Returns.

Only a few.

All this talk about Constantine makes me want to watch it.

Amazing actress? Wow. Man, she's as expressive as a wooden chair.
I'm curious to know why you consider her so great. No kidding, I'm genuinely curious.

Well I haven't red the comics. So i can't say.

I saw her in a movie Called Camp X-Ray
Kristen Stewart just needs a decent script and I guess a good director to properly shine. I've seen her in some movie about high school kids kidnapping history teacher and she was good, expressive and everything. Granted it wasn't some great movie in itself, but her performance was good.
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Kristen Stewart just needs a decent script and I guess a good director to properly shine. I've seen her in some movie about high school kids kidnapping history teacher and she was good, expressive and everything. Granted it wasn't some great movie in itself, but her performance was good.

Wait I heard about a movie with that premise... is it a recent one?
Ah no, its quite old by now, watched it on tv ages ago.

Oooohhhh. Well tbf I saw something where she was not THAT bad, like that movie, what's it called... the Jumanji rip-off... but even then, she didn't really strike me as such a good actress at all.
Anyway, thinking... what's with this trend I'm hearing in TV news and reading on papers, to call when a woman is killed "femminicidio"? LOL what? It's called "omicidio". Murder. The sex of the person killed doesn't matter.
Well, I mean... Kristen Stewart? C'mon man.

As for the Batsuit, I can see why you like it, it looks taken straight from the comics, but I think Nolan's was the best when it comes to movies.

But seriously... Kristen Stewart?!

People give her a lot of crap for that Twilight role, but she's a pretty good actress.

All this talk about Constantine makes me want to watch it.
You should. You could also read the Hellblazer comics. They're a lot darker then the show.
my brother tried to tell me there's no way i'v killed a million people/things in my whole video game career

a million is actually kind of pathetic now that i think about it
The black rioting and all the crap that's happening to black people has become so part of the norm now, that every time I hear something about a person of my race being shot or a riot of black people, it no longer means "BlackLivesMatter" to me anymore. Now it just passing news that I've come to ignore. I still support BlackLivesMatter, but what I've seen just doesn't burn that fire in me like it use to anymore. Whether I've given up on fighting, or I've just begun to get use to the violence is anyone's guess.

Another thing is that, I'm sick of supporters glorifying ALL black people are perfect individuals who deserve everything. No, not all of us are perfect, and not all of us are formed by a white-ruled society. Some of us make our own stupid decisions just like white people, hispanic, people, asian people, etc. Some of us have the capacity to do the dumbest things in the world, and be just as bad as a white cop. Not every black person is a star.