Angelo Credo;244892 said:
Funnily enough, I've been watching Scrubs clips all morning. :lol:
I was watching scribs just now. Weird.:huh:
I'm thinking this is one of the best quotes from Scrubs:
[J.D. steps out of the shower wearing a pair of shorts. Dr. Cox and Ben look at him, puzzled.]
J.D.: What? They're my shower shorts.
Dr. Cox: Those are the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. [referring to shorts]
J.D.: You know you're right. I was an idiot to buy these shower shorts. I mean it's not like they come with a complimentary shower wallet. [Produces wallet attached to shorts via elastic cord, which snaps back at him] Ow.
Dr. Cox: Shower Shortz?
J.D.: [Advertisement voice] For the man who has nothing to hide. But still wants to.