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Huh. I must have missed that game.
I never knew how insanely thick a British accent could be.
Until today.

I swear when he "grandmother" it sounded like "vampire".
And at some point I just gave up on trying to understand him because it sound less like English and more like he was just making noises at me, with the occasional "mate" being thrown in.
It is hot. Like...112 degrees hot (according to the thermometer). The dude just took down our back door, too. And now we cannot use our AC. -slowly melts into a puddle of goop-

+ I like your scarf, Nero. That's a nice scarf. I like Vergil's face more, though. :cool:
++ The fact that I just went "Credo! Credo! Credo!" when he showed up in DMC4:SE and, at the same time, mum went "Logan! Logan! Logan!" just reinforces that they're twins. And, since Lionhead mentioned somewhere about being influenced by DMC for one of their characters, I'm beginning to wonder if Logan wasn't a nod to DMC4. O_o
++ Mum likes the costume that shows the most cleavage and skin. No surprise there. :shifty: Makes me wonder if there's something she's not telling me, though.
So after a week of him waking up more than once a night, he's now slept through the entire night. Twice.
Too bad I'm too realistic to get my hopes up that this will last much longer. But hey! I feel relatively human again.

Cuddles and snuggles!Dawww my babeh beah is shoooo shnugggggglyyyyyy :inlove::inlove::inlove:
I like thinking in weeks. That makes him still seem small to me, like he's still the wee little baby I had in hospital.
So, 12 weeks already, and in the last four weeks he's sprouted from 56cm to 60cm. I think this kid is going to be as tall as me before he hits puberty lol



@Shadow how was your vacation? Where did you go?
@Shadow how was your vacation? Where did you go?

It was great, thankies. ^^ We went to Laughlin, which means we spent the entire time in our hotel room, watching Food Network, but it was really nice to get away from the house and all the crazy things happening lately. ^^ -also finally edited a full chapter- There was also lots of candy, crab legs, and the most delicious slice of prime rib I've ever seen involved. <3 But I missed out on the chance to get one of those lollipops with a bug in it for someone (he asked for "interesting candy" but wouldn't tell me what kind he wanted...that would have been the most perfect opportunity :sneaky:).
Omg, that pic. XD "Write me like you'd want me to write you." Marcus would totally say that...except he would say it in a pervy way that would make me blush. Probably something like "your fic said to come do it like a college student does homework" and then I'd take away his candy for a month. -nodnod-

Omg, that pic. XD "Write me like you'd want me to write you." Marcus would totally say that...except he would say it in a pervy way that would make me blush. Probably something like "your fic said to come do it like a college student does homework" and then I'd take away his candy for a month. -nodnod-

I'm officially dying right now. xD

CT: Why do I even plan? Every time I plan to do something, I don't stick with it. I want to work on it...but I don't. I don't feel like smacking my head against the table repeatedly.

If the muses didn't insist I'd feel so much better once it's done (not the head smacking on table part...you know what I mean!) then I probably wouldn't be attempting it right now.

*Sigh* The things I do for you guys. Well, I do owe you for waking me from my writerly slumber.
I admit I'm in a very foul mood today, and quite low on patience. But bullshit like this just ****es me off:

It's not the review scores, or the people making those threads. It's the people responding to it. The large majority of our fanbase - the people who represent us - have gone on way beyond the point of being hateful, intolerant dickstains.

For this reason, and this reason alone, I truly hope Capcom is smart enough to give everyone exactly what we deserve: DmC 2. For those of us who can appreciate a fun game, and for those twats who can't, some good ol' fashioned misery and an epiphany that their opinions don't matter, and that they are irrelevant human beings.
Here we go again.
No, I can't charge my amazon account because I need to apply for a credit card from my bank for that. As I'm not currently working, the idea of owning my own credit card is absolutely terrifying and stupid, since I have a total of $4 in my actual account. And no, you can't have it, that's for my McFlurry (whenever the darn McD's invest in an ice cream machine that WORKS on the days when I feel like one).
Therefore, I can't review this book.
Which begs the question: now what? I'm meant to review it in exchange for downloading it for free. So I didn't actually read past the first chapter. The whole thing of it being about Lucifer before the fall threw me for a loop since the summary led me to believe it's some kind of alien monster instead. I wanted to read horror, not religious speculation. Still, I owe a review, but can't give it, so, NOW WHAT?:frown:
They'd better not suspend me because of this.
I admit I'm in a very foul mood today, and quite low on patience. But bullshit like this just ****es me off:

It's not the review scores, or the people making those threads. It's the people responding to it. The large majority of our fanbase - the people who represent us - have gone on way beyond the point of being hateful, intolerant dickstains.

For this reason, and this reason alone, I truly hope Capcom is smart enough to give everyone exactly what we deserve: DmC 2. For those of us who can appreciate a fun game, and for those twats who can't, some good ol' fashioned misery and an epiphany that their opinions don't matter, and that they are irrelevant human beings.
What bullshit? This is a far calmer discussion than what we see on this forum, and the OP of the first thread already has standing reputation of a troll, so board veterans no longer take him seriously. And now there are even posts that speak positively of DmC.
But thanks for calling me and so many others, who either vocally or silently disprove of DmC, irrelevant human beings and wishing misery upon us, that is so very mature.

Now I'm in a very foul mood...
I didn't call you out. I called them out. The parasitic, toxic, hostile and aggressive motherfuckers who will chew someone up for having a different opinion than them, or acknowledging something they dislike.

...Unless you are one of them. ...Lord-Dante? And...he's a troll? Dude, he's like a hundred times more civil on there than any of them. Is that what trolls are nowadays - it doesn't matter what he says, if you don't like it he's a "well known troll?"
I didn't call you out. I called them out. The parasitic, toxic, hostile and aggressive motherfuckers who will chew someone up for having a different opinion than them, or acknowledging something they dislike.

...Unless you are one of them. ...Lord-Dante? And...he's a troll? Dude, he's like a hundred times more civil on there than any of them. Is that what trolls are nowadays - it doesn't matter what he says, if you don't like it he's a "well known troll?"
Lord-Dante is not OP (original poster) of any of those threads, read carefully what i write.
I am one of those that wish DmC was never made, though I am silent one. And now I don't even ****ing know what you are babbling about anymore, you come crying here how people in those threads are horrible - when they are not, and then you wish DmC2 for no other reason but revenge over those who do not think DmC is a good game, thinking apparently only trolls think that way, and everybody else will enjoy getting ****ed over again for important answers in original DMC's story, only to be served a sequel to your typical Mary Sue fanfiction.
Oh, joy. Those headaches are back again. I hope it doesn't last as long as it did last time. >.>

Funny that it's happening again, nearly around the same time as it did last year; apparently my physiology wants me to be miserable.

+How the hell can an auto-immune skin condition cause damage to the brain, lungs, and kidneys? Is it set in stone that it eventually will if untreated, or is there just a chance of it happening? O_o
Lord-Dante is not OP (original poster) of any of those threads, read carefully what i write.
I am one of those that wish DmC was never made, though I am silent one. And now I don't even ****ing know what you are babbling about anymore, you come crying here how people in those threads are horrible - when they are not, and then you wish DmC2 for no other reason but revenge over those who do not think DmC is a good game, thinking apparently only trolls think that way, and everybody else will enjoy getting ****ed over again for important answers in original DMC's story, only to be served a sequel to your typical Mary Sue fanfiction.
What the HELL are you talking about? Those people were acting like dicks to the OP for no other reason than they could, and it's the same damn song every time someone else thinks along those lines - it's got nothing to do with DmC's quality, it's their attitudes. And wishing a DmC2 upon us all is just a really poetic way to butter them up.

If you don't like DmC, fine. I don't care lol, your likes and dislikes are you own . As long as you're not being a toxic douchebag like the rest of them. I don't even get why you're offended by what I had to say unless you really were among them being all horrible.
What the HELL are you talking about? Those people were acting like dicks to the OP for no other reason than they could, and it's the same damn song every time someone else thinks along those lines - it's got nothing to do with DmC's quality, it's their attitudes. And wishing a DmC2 upon us all is just a really poetic way to butter them up.

If you don't like DmC, fine. I don't care lol, your likes and dislikes are you own . As long as you're not being a toxic douchebag like the rest of them. I don't even get why you're offended by what I had to say unless you really were among them being all horrible.
Idiot, those threads are not about the game, any game, it is about getting the rise out of people. That's what I was trying to tell you, gamefaqs has trolls popping up every now and then, the replies weren't people being dicks, it was more like joking around cause they recognized another troll trying to start a fight.
Instead, you were more interested in thinking up a petty revenge, talking **** without caring who else might your words hurt.
I spit on your "poetic way", your filthy idea of pushing a game on all fandom for no other reason but to laugh at faces of certain people. You are no different than the ones you hate.
Bullshit. That crap pops up every other day. I once made an off-comment about thinking that DmC was a good game and I was practically "confirmed" as a troll on the spot. One of these brilliant minds, these thinkers of our time, accused me of being some other poor fool's alt account. And that happens every time someone just so happens to like DmC...

If that's joking, it's downright retarded. I'm honestly starting to think you really are one of them, since you're so adamant to quick defense, and more specifically, justification. There's no justification for this, none whatsoever, since it makes pretty much the entire fanbase look like complete dicks.