CT: Woot! Past my third GED test. XD So, happy right now. <3 Now I only have one test to go and that is the math test. >.> I'm going to be studying long and hard to pass that test. Once done its off to school or something.
++Maybe writing can be a thing for the last hour before I have to pick up kiddo, yes? Muses? You still with me?
Please, you guys...:'( I need you now more than ever. Phenex? Forneus? Hell, I'll even take Reeves...just someone, anyone, rescue me from the stresses of every day life, if only for an hour--I beg you.
Want me to chase one of 'em down? :wink: *cheers for you*
As I suspected, mum is sick again. The party never stops around here, seriously. :hungover:
Oh, would you? ^^ -Huggles Shadow- Lol, here's a tranquilizer gun; we'll do a pincer maneuver and hope we corner at least one of them in the process. :laugh:
Oh, noes....I hope your mom feels better soon, and that you don't end up sick again on top of it. D:
Anyways, what I thought up was a story called: 'Welcome to the Dollhouse' and the words just started to flow from my mind: "Welcome to the dollhouse, friend! Where all your dreams come true. So, don't be afraid to clap and cheer, for you end is quite near....".
What's the name of that site?Gaia is working hard on ****ing off folks, like any good corporation does, so people started talking about this new similar site. It certainly has better games than gaia.
Also, look at this little twerp, he even got chest hair. XD