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I finally figured out their entire back story! =D Huzzah! *cheers* I can...totally not tell anyone because it'll ruin the surprise when it's published. *mood deflates* OTL I dunno how I'm gonna keep it to myself. I'm good at keeping everyone else's secrets but not my own.

Lol! I feel you, there. It's okay, though, because you will get published, and when you do, we'll get to look back on this, and say, "Now I get it!" :laugh:

CT: Well, babysitting went well; he was good as gold for me, but as soon as mommy got home...well, I feel sorry for her; I don't know what it is, but some kids take to me a little too well. Major mystery, given I feel so horribly awkward with anyone else's, but my own.

+I don't wanna clean...I wanna write....:'(

Then again, most of the day has been lost, so if I do the chores today, I can spend all of tomorrow writing...*Sigh* Alright, you win again, logic.
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My only problem with Skyward--no Ganondorf. I just found it strange that, in every Zelda game up to now, it's always been the trinity of Zelda, Link, and Ganondorf--as far as I can remember, anyway; I don't think there was ever a time we've been without all three. It just...hurt my nostalgia, I guess. ^^;

But in any case, loved Twilight Princess' storyline, and I adore Midna. It's funny, because you can actually see the character development between her and Link. :)

CT: Babysitting this morning...why, why did I volunteer? Oh, yeah...because it wasn't until after that I learned my in-laws were coming this weekend. >.<

I think Demise is more than enough Ganondorf. He is Ganondorf's original soul after all. Ganondorf is just Demise, reincarnated over and over, forever fated to face the Hero of Time.

It's kinda one of those "evil only has to win once" kind of things.

Plus, I actually liked Ghirahim. He was campy, yes, but he was genuinely threatening when he needed to be. Plus, his boss fights were my favorites in the game.
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Funnily enough, despite everyone seeming to dislike Midna in Twilight Princess, I kinda like the little imp... She's cute and her wicked sense of humor is rather funny.

Also, goddamn Zant is menacing. If ever there was a villain who could be as menacing as Ganondorf, it'd be him.

Wait why would someone hate Midna. all what she wanted was oint balm.
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Up before my alarm? What madness is this? :cautious:

The kind of madness that says "Oh yes I do enjoy a spottily spot of spotted tea".

"I somehow spotted you enjoy a spottifyingly spotted spot of spotted tea".

And then drums crash down before a pink elephant waltzes by with a parrot sat on its head crying out MELLONS!

@Shadow: We promise we won't prod your brain too much for information *prod*
Sorry, I got carried away...

Thankies. :P That's okay. >_> *pokepokepoke*

Lol! I feel you, there. It's okay, though, because you will get published, and when you do, we'll get to look back on this, and say, "Now I get it!" :laugh:

Hehe, it's a pain, right? *struggles to keep quiet* LOL Thanks for the vote of confidence. :P

I should start a new skin care regiment...the last one isn't working anymore.

+ My appetite has returned! Huzzah! And I celebrated by eating a whole tub of gelato...for some reason my tummy feels bubbly. >_>
The kind of madness that says "Oh yes I do enjoy a spottily spot of spotted tea".

"I somehow spotted you enjoy a spottifyingly spotted spot of spotted tea".

And then drums crash down before a pink elephant waltzes by with a parrot sat on its head crying out MELLONS!



...And now I can't stop laughing. XD

Hehe, it's a pain, right? *struggles to keep quiet* LOL Thanks for the vote of confidence. :P

Hey, no worries. Besides, it's true; you've got incredible writing skills. ^^
@Shadow: Do thy eyes deceiveth me? Tis a poking match thou hath awoken :ninja:

Why, yes. Yes, it is a poking match. To the victor goes the spoils? :cautious:

Hey, no worries. Besides, it's true; you've got incredible writing skills. ^^

D'aww, thankies. ^^ But you do, too. *looks forward to when you get published*

I just realized Microsoft's Fable theme in Solitaire no longer has Reaver as one of the queens. Why you do this, Microsoft? Reaver must always be a queen! It's his birthright! D: Unless you're sneakily saying he'll be the king of Albion in the next game, in which case shut up and take my money. I wanna play nao.
...but are they really unspoiled spoils if we've spoiled everyone that they'll be unspoiled spoils? Or are they just unspoilable unspoiled spoils to begin with? :cautious:

I know the answer. I just wouldn't want to spoil it for you.

So I'll put it in this spoiler.