Finally! I honestly had my doubts I'd get it done today, let alone this early in the evening.
Just have to proof-read, polish it up, and voila!
Just have to proof-read, polish it up, and voila!
A buddy of mine's friend committed suicide yesterday. I've been talking to him and he's just in shock because no one expected such a thing from him. That's usually how it is though. The people who go through with such of thing never usually show their inner demons.
Kind of hoped we were done here...oh well.
Dude? Dude? Dude! Dudedudedudedude! Dude. I need to get a random group of RPers together for a Skype chat because two years is too long a wait and would be funny. funny. And we probably wouldn't even be in the same 'verse, so it would be even funnier. And so BOOM! Random LOLz. Yepyep.
...can you tell I haven't slept yet? :laugh: Can you? :bored: Can you?! :grumpy:
I wonder where I'd find these random RPers....
+ Dude is a funny looking word.
:facepalm: <- tiny part of my brain that still is retaining logic that pic for season 3? Why does it look like they're nearly kissing?
If not for the fact that I'm really tired today, I would have laughed out loud at this post. <3
Lol, thanks for being awesome, Shadow. :laugh:
Why tank joo! ^^ *would probably have been too tired to post it if her body wasn't currently transforming pretzel carbs into sugar**now wondering if she could get a sugar high from bread*![]()
^^ You're welcome. And thank you for thinking I'm awesome. ^^ That doesn't happen often. Usually people just back away slowly for some reason....*can't fathom why*