This week has royally sucked. First the xbox gets wonky, then one of the few presents I can order online decides it doesn't want to be available until two days after I ordered it (despite it being available at the time I ordered it), then the bank and I mess up my checking account, and now I come to find Stilts has been attempting to pull his stitches out and so they've been oozing and getting layers of litter on them....which he's also trying to yank off along with some of his fur and the aforementioned stitches. >_< When will the holidays be over and my life back to normal?
Tried to dress Tiggy in a Santa hat, but she's run away so I'm giving up. It would be mean to force her :tongue: going to photoshop a Santa hat on her instead.
Amazes me in this day and age that there are adverts on TV warning women about ways men coerce and bully for sex, or warning about subtle ways that men control relationships. Clearly there is still a problem somewhere if stuff like this is on TV. But I am wondering where the adverts are for men who have been hurt or abused by women in relationships? It goes both ways.
I thought vets made animals wear those 'cones' so they don't pull at stitches... (at Tilly's vets though, they charge owners for them).
How's the Xbox now?
*huglz* They do, but Stilts nearly killed himself trying to get out of his. >_< I feel like kinda a fool now, though, cuz we rushed him to the vet today and the vet says his paws are normal, just scabbed as they should be.... *was so worried**keeping his cone and pain meds close, though, just in case.
Working properly now that it got a new power cord. ^^
Oh! I got your package today! =D *going to open it tomorrow when she opens presents, but is anxious to see it*
Well...couldn't find my Grandfather's gift at the store today. Guess I'll have to go next week and hope he doesn't turn around and take Ipad back to the store....
:jawdrop: poor little guy.
Tbh, You did what I would've done. I'm glad his paws are healing :happy:
I didn't know that you could get new ones.
*phew* I hope it made it to you in one piece (i.e. the end of the enveloped still taped down lol).
Open it when ever you want :happy: I just hope you like the contents :nailbiting:.
Yeah. =( *felt awful**still kinda puzzled why he hates collars but likes sweaters, though* Thankies! ^^ I am, too. :3 *hopes Tilly's doing well*
Neither did I, tbh, but they were on Amazon....
Hehe, yeah, the envelope was still taped up. ^^ *is sure she'll love it*
What am I doing online? I need to wrap presents, build a cat tree, address a bunch of cards, break down a bunch of boxes and run to the store to get lotto scratchers to replace Ipad (which is Ipad as a name, not iPad like the product) all before 3pm. Aww, Stilt's batting around a piece of cheeseburger--ooh! A friend did Killing Joke fan art! No! DX Stop! Go do stuff! *drags self away*
Sweaters? As in 'wearing'?
Tilly's fine, thanks for asking. Atm, she wants attention... and treats, but mainly treats :3
It's good to know they are sold separately (just in case ¬_¬' )
Whoot! *feels a lot better knowing that*