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Why doesn't headache medicine actually work on headaches......?
That's weird... I actually took some just now.


I want to fall in love....
No you don't.

Sure, you miss the feeling (like we all do), but is it really worth the eventual rejection/breakup?


Sigh... am i the only one who wants the old layout back ? this 24/7 dull black layout is putting me to sleep.
The bright one hurt my eyes. Oh sure, I liked it (a lot), but sometimes I had to switch to the old (other) black layout just relieve my vision. I actually like this look.

One more thing, a few people out there (won't say who) complained about the white layout because it didn't have any of the old Dantes there and therefore, they said that they felt "abandoned". I think this new layout is just a way to not offend anyone.

And look at the Dante Stinger Pose at the bottom of the page. Slick.
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Anyone watching Walking Dead this season who hasn't seen the episode "Internment", erm...you might want to look away. Anyway. The end of the episode! OHMYEFFING GOD YES!!! YEEEEEEEEEEES!!! *inserts one of dA's superfreakout emoticons here* WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *falls to the ground in joyous glee*
And that was your Walking Dead fangirl moment of the day.

Edit: Also, I just had to delete the first review from a fic of mine ever. :/ Great. Gotta love when idjits throw stupid questions at you.
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Can't sleep and I don't care anymore. :P At least I don't have to go in till late afternoon tomorrow.
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Seriously! I don't pay £24 delivery for it to go fudging missing! (Yeah, you read that right £24).
*is now on warpath*
Sorry, that was a bit of a rant... but... I'm fuming!
BT is getting it too tomorrow. They've upped the price of my broadband... so if I'm paying top brass, I want the 'top brass' download speed! (It's only supposed to be 11MB, but it's 6MB faster and I'm really peeved!)
What happened to the forum... It's so pretty *_* Why don't the emoticons work....?

Day of the Doctor coming up people, why are you not all exciteds?!

Shoop da woop
Why am I watching this show, it sucks
*Does a shoulder stand*
I should make something of myself... *Plays minecraft*
*Drops ice cream on my shirt* ._. ... I WAS COMFORTABLE AND NOW I MUST MOVE
*Scrolling on Facebook* I hate everyone.
*Watches vines and giggles to self*
*Replies to the thread "Last Post is The Winner"*
*Tries to beatbox and learn the cup song*

...Don't judge me...
Yes. This. This, this, this, and this.

Every single weekend of my life. Forever.


Need to get a chimney sweep to come over soon.

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first successful prototype for portal technology in LBP2 I'm trying to get it to some how fire out of a creatinator
Just completed over an hour of revising geography. It had better be worth my time...

CT: I love my friends, they are awesome people and they brighten my day! That includes you my forum buddies;3
I wonder what it would be like waking one day to discover I have a man's **** o__O
Strangely awesome...followed by:jawdrop:

Thinking: Need to get my controller charger back, but it's not like I can go walking into his room past midnight.:tongue: