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New Fable game! =D Woot! It's so pretty!
...only for Xbox One? ...aww, hell.... *sighs* And only online co-oping with no open world playing? Well...this...should be...interesting....

It looks great! ATM, it's the only game I want a new console for.... ah...where did you read about co-op? *rethinks wanting an X1*... I wonder if anyone in these companies thinks that not everyone wants to co-op? Maybe not (not being unsociable, but some games are better in single player)
I'm thinking what Winterfrost is thinking !

I am thinking......How is SNK gonna Port KOF XIII to PC ? Considering the fact that they never had the Experience when it comes to PC platforms
It looks great! ATM, it's the only game I want a new console for.... ah...where did you read about co-op? *rethinks wanting an X1*... I wonder if anyone in these companies thinks that not everyone wants to co-op? Maybe not (not being unsociable, but some games are better in single player)

It does! =D Though the enemies looks kinda generic to me. *wants balverines and hobbes**has a few games for X-One she wants, but still "eek!" about the X-One's price* On Gamespot and...somewhere else. According to what I read, you play in a four player team with a fifth player as the villain, setting up traps and enemies for you. It's entirely quest based and, when your not in a quest, you're in a central hub/town where you can just wander. Apparently. I'm excited for it, but I'm also a bit worried. :/

Matt! =D *cuddles manga*
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Reactions: DanteStyle
Convo with my buddy today.

Me: *venting about my dad being horrible*
Friend: smh
Me: I know! We were talking about this on a forum I'm on just the other day, too.
Friend: about passports?
Me: no, about how stupid people are nowadays.
Friend: k smh
Me: stupid mortal human
Friend: ????
Me: smh
Friend: ha ha ha, smh means shake my head
Me: oh lol I was worried you were insulting me for whining
Friend: i like your version better
The space marines from DoW cutscenes are dumbasses.

First they charge while using heavy ranged weapomry, second they get killed in little than 20 seconds. And in dc the were stupid enought to charge a monolith...*facepalm*
Should had posted this in the rant section.
Wondering... If I were to spearhead a DMC RPG Maker project, who would join me/would even care?

EDIT: Or, hell, has anyone ever seen the Flash animation "Castle" series? I'd love to do an RPG on that concept.
It does! =D Though the enemies looks kinda generic to me. *wants balverines and hobbes**has a few games for X-One she wants, but still "eek!" about the X-One's price* On Gamespot and...somewhere else. According to what I read, you play in a four player team with a fifth player as the villain, setting up traps and enemies for you. It's entirely quest based and, when your not in a quest, you're in a central hub/town where you can just wander. Apparently. I'm excited for it, but I'm also a bit worried. :/

Matt! =D *cuddles manga*

Apparently if you pre-order an X1 in the UK, you get a free copy of FIFA 14 (gee, what an incentive *rolls eyes* seeing that they're produced every year... ) but like you said... the price.
It's a Fable game... and I love Fable, but I don't see the point of turning it into "that kind" of a multiplayer.

And mum is now in possession of Saint's Row 4. There go my reading plans. ^^
+ I think my allergy symptoms have turned into a cold.... T-T

I'm still playing Saints Row Third and yeah, allergies can do that *got a nasty sinus infection from hayfever early this summer*

CT: YAY! My DmC artbook arrived... ooh, never seen that pic of Vergil before... quite creepeh...
Apparently if you pre-order an X1 in the UK, you get a free copy of FIFA 14 (gee, what an incentive *rolls eyes* seeing that they're produced every year... ) but like you said... the price.
It's a Fable game... and I love Fable, but I don't see the point of turning it into "that kind" of a multiplayer.

I'm still playing Saints Row Third and yeah, allergies can do that *got a nasty sinus infection from hayfever early this summer*

CT: YAY! My DmC artbook arrived... ooh, never seen that pic of Vergil before... quite creepeh...

Haha, well...I suppose if that's your kind of game it would be good incentive. For us...not so much. :P Now when they start releasing Fable with X-Ones...I might be inclined to ask my family to...donate to a noble cause. ;)
I agree. :/ It's always been primarily a one person game, even with the co-op option in II and III. And, while Heroes was cute and all, something tells me that it's going to turn weird with forced co-op. :/ It's kinda like if DMC had a big multi-player mode that effectively turned it into Mario Party. :/ Then again, this could just be me feeling a bit leery about change to a series....

Oooh, what do you think of it? =D *just finished SR3 recently* Yeah, I didn't realize they could. =( o_o Did it heal quickly? *hopes you're alright*

I wonder if she'll get me Sprite and soup if I ask....
CT: YAY! My DmC artbook arrived... ooh, never seen that pic of Vergil before... quite creepeh...


Hey, you! Yes, YOU, random member/guest reading this right now.
If you're on the FB fanpage called Devil May Cry, 1,2,3 & 4, and participated in the comments on the Dante vs walls caption picture - I'm the gamer. If you're one of the kids who kept trying to explain to me how DmC is a reboot and does not fall in line with the classic series at all.....

.....WELL WELCOME TO DEVIL MAY CRY.ORG where WE actually know wtf we're talking about.
Thank you.
Haha, well...I suppose if that's your kind of game it would be good incentive. For us...not so much. :P Now when they start releasing Fable with X-Ones...I might be inclined to ask my family to...donate to a noble cause. ;)
I agree. :/ It's always been primarily a one person game, even with the co-op option in II and III. And, while Heroes was cute and all, something tells me that it's going to turn weird with forced co-op. :/ It's kinda like if DMC had a big multi-player mode that effectively turned it into Mario Party. :/ Then again, this could just be me feeling a bit leery about change to a series....

Oooh, what do you think of it? =D *just finished SR3 recently* Yeah, I didn't realize they could. =( o_o Did it heal quickly? *hopes you're alright*

I wonder if she'll get me Sprite and soup if I ask....

That's true...lol.
The co-op in II and III didn't look too bad (I co-oped with myself about a week before the old 360 died *thinks that was part of the cause of the RROD*), but when it becomes to a game where multiplayer is the only option then it kind of spoils It for me. I'm looking at all of the stuff released for Legacy of Kain: Dead sun, the worst thing is that it was cancelled and it had multiplayer (and would've been available for the consoles)... Now Square Enix are doing a multiplayer only which is only going to be available for the PC...
lol... Sorry, I know what you're getting at with DMC and multiplayer though (although a DMC Version of Fable Hero dolls... a Vergil doll would be soooo cute :3 ). I think atm, for me, it's just not knowing too much about FL to like it or hate it... but the whole multiplayer thing has already made a huge dent in my interest for the game...

TBH, I've been meaning to restart it *has it on PS3* I've tried to make my character look a bit like Nite... but there were some parts of her features that I'm unhappy with... and I'm stuck on this stupid 'sky diving' level near the beginning of the game...
Yeah, I am now thanks, it went away few weeks ago...


I'll stick them in my art thread so I don't block space here...
EDIT: Posted three pictures... back cover/ front cover and creepy Vergil...
Game reviews suck, I'ma watch the Fable movie instead ^_^
What is he doing?
Oh, wonderful, the only reason I signed up with you guys is so I can get my movie because I thought it was free. Not discounted. FREE. I'm cancelling membership, sorry.
Don't you touch that button you little monster.
Will I ever get to watch Rise of the Guardians in HD? :(
I should probably get some sleep in. Apparently it's going to be a tough work out tonight. I should draw some cash, too, thinking about that, else I won't get to work out.
LOL yep the only name he could properly say is Dante. Daww, m'boy!!!!
Nope, nope, the chocolate is gone sweetie.
I should probably go brush my teeth.
Coke would have gone down well with the movie right now.
I should get in touch with those agents today.
Is it nap time yet? Gah you're driving me nuts.
I got a good plot for a new story. What else is new? Well, I'm actually going to write this one and see it through to the end.
Okay pleeeeease stay out of the kitchen now.
I'm coldish. Should I or shouldn't I turn on the heater?
Did I put another load of washing on or did I just imagine doing that?
I don't want to get up off my chair.
Ugh. Dishes. I should start trashing everything.
I'm still ****ed off that Mix dyed his hair black. "Oooh, I want to set myself apart from DMC" Well GREAT GOING you stupid, stupid, stupid muse. I mean
<--- did some part of you MISS that picture or something? You stupid, stupid muse. Urggggggggg. You just made so much more work for me. I mean why not go RED, if anything? I like red heads. You should've gone red, you stupid muse.
I don't even want to try writing today because my stupid muse is not talking to me anymore. I don't know whether it's because I'm mad that he did such a stupid thing without my conscious permission, or whether he knows he did a stupid thing and is just sulking in his little corner.
I'm not using you in my next story, JUST SO YOU KNOW.
Yeah, I'm talking to myself again. Not good.
That's true...lol.
The co-op in II and III didn't look too bad (I co-oped with myself about a week before the old 360 died *thinks that was part of the cause of the RROD*), but when it becomes to a game where multiplayer is the only option then it kind of spoils It for me. I'm looking at all of the stuff released for Legacy of Kain: Dead sun, the worst thing is that it was cancelled and it had multiplayer (and would've been available for the consoles)... Now Square Enix are doing a multiplayer only which is only going to be available for the PC...
lol... Sorry, I know what you're getting at with DMC and multiplayer though (although a DMC Version of Fable Hero dolls... a Vergil doll would be soooo cute :3 ). I think atm, for me, it's just not knowing too much about FL to like it or hate it... but the whole multiplayer thing has already made a huge dent in my interest for the game...

TBH, I've been meaning to restart it *has it on PS3* I've tried to make my character look a bit like Nite... but there were some parts of her features that I'm unhappy with... and I'm stuck on this stupid 'sky diving' level near the beginning of the game...
Yeah, I am now thanks, it went away few weeks ago...

It wasn't bad, though local co-op in II is a bit annoying to me. :/ But, yeah, I agree. I like multiplayer to be a choice. :/
XD It would be kinda cute. :P *nods* I agree. There's not enough info on it to make a valid assessment on it yet. (Hinthint, Lionhead! ;) )

Nice. ^^ Aww. =( Well, it'll get easier with practice. *hugs**glad you're not sick anymore*