Angel General
Cristal, Advisor to Emperor Glaser & sky goddess
I should go outside... sunshine... badminton...
inner conflict reaching torment level.
inner conflict reaching torment level.
I should go outside... sunshine... badminton...
inner conflict reaching torment level.
This is so totally off topic from what you're saying, but...I have the urge to glomp your signature. Just thought I should let you know. *sits and fangirls*
Haha, me too ;p
=D Sh...should we? X3 I don't think L would mind a little glomping. (Then again, if he did, I guess I could go glomp B.... :shifty*wishes her fav character were real just so she could give them one hug*
Should we? Why even ask??somehow he looks so cuddly, even with that expression of disdain ;~;
C'mon guys, no love for Light?
Why do you fangirls always love the antagonist?:'(
If you have a shot with your boss, then it might give you some "motivation" to go to work. Nothing's hotter than a female boss... who's into you, that is.
Me too. :troll:DmC Dante is left handed! OmG!!! 0_0
She's married. But there is still that attractive coworker! I can always reel her in.
(She for the double post folks)
I should probably leave here...soon
Nuuuuuu! *clings*
Aaaaaand we're out of jam. T-T Dang it.
Well I'll be on later more than likely, if it troubles you that muchlol
You ate all the jam didn't you? :|
Yay! ^^
No. T-T Mum did while I was sleeping. It turns out we don't have any extra jars....
^^Yay indeed ^^
Aw that shucks! -_- What flavour jam do you like?![]()