Seriously considering moving to the UK.
Anybody here got some good tips/advice on family friendly places? My hubby's in the IT field and I know Berkingshire(?) is apparently the IT capital in UK but realistic views and opinions from my UK friends would be much appreciated and welcomed. We're looking at, probably, immigrating early next year. (YEAH WHOOHOOO Veebs we gotta make good on a coffee date! And you too, Angel!!!!)
IT is something that hasn't been hit too hard by the economy problems but it is still a competitive field to be working in and trying to get employment in. Do SA's get instant citizenship? I only have one guy I know right now who lives here with dual citizenship (he's from Cape Town) but his wife is Brazilian and has just left for 6 months as part of visa requirements. Basically, money is tight everywhere but one option would be for hubby to move first, work for 6 months or so and be able to rent a flat or whatever so that the rest of you can get over here without having to go the social housing route (which is NOT pretty).
Work-wise, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire are right next to each other BUT house prices and rental also are sky high. What you can get for your money is not awesome and very likely smaller than what you have now. Commuting may be a better option which means you can live out of the higher-priced zones and travel daily on the train to wherever it is you need to be. Basically, the further north you travel, the cheaper everything gets but also the less white-collar jobs there are. For example, where I live there is mostly stuff like retail work, factories, cleaning, warehouse operative jobs and, of course, farming. With the upcoming development of the absolute farce that is HS2 (ridiculous high-speed railway that is currently costing nearly £50bn and rising which is going to decimate the countryside all for a time-saving of 15 minutes), you also want to make sure if you did move to the UK that you don't wind up with a 250-mile-an-hour train racing through your back garden every half an hour. This stupid idea by the government is making house prices fall like rocks in the affected areas of the country but obviously, who the hell wants to live that close to it even if the property is a third of what it cost a year ago?
There are places in the Midlands area (where I live) that have good IT prospects and excellent commuting connections to Birmingham (good shopping too

) and London. Lichfield has a few good IT companies as well as Milton Keynes which is back down the other end of the country again but still commutable within 90 minutes by train.
For family-friendly places....well, it depends on what you're looking for. Generally speaking, the further away from big towns and cities you go, the less there is to do for kiddies and the less provision for them health-wise. However, if you prefer free stuff then places near to public woodland, parks and play-centres are good. From living both down south near London and now here nearer to Birmingham, I would honestly say I MUCH prefer it here. Everyone is friendlier, less concerned with money even though things are tighter here than ever and the countryside is beautiful. The provision for people on the Spectrum is fantastic too - in Buckinghamshire and Berkshire it is beyond shocking. Like, seriously. Plenty of clean and safe parks, woodland, cheap indoor and outdoor play is cheaper, shops are cheaper and lots of decent enough schools. Plus if you move to the Midlands, I'm around the corner and we can take the kids out together
tl;dr - if you guys are seriously considering a move, get your hubby to look at work NOW rather than later and check out what it required in terms of moving here with children in tow. Better to be safe than sorry and stuck in an airport lounge unable to go any further. It's an expensive move from New Zealand to the UK and the country as a whole is getting a bit tighter on people moving over, especially if they have no job to go to.
Also, MOVE! Come see us all!