That is exactly what i do but not sure if people receive my tweet when i tweet them.
Are you using @ + their screenname before tweeting to a specific person? =)
Thinking: Bacon sammiches for all!
well it failed so XDJust on the forum to annoy DG for a bit before I genuinely go to sleep;P
Can rabbits get worms? Because when cats get worms they get skinny:/ My neighbour's cat used to be fat and all of a sudden he's amaciated, I don't know what's wrong with himI think there's something wrong with Bunny. He's not been eating much lately and he's looking really, really skinny. Usually, he finishes his kibble in a day or two, but, last time, it took him a week. I gave him some extra kibble and fresh food to encourage him to eat more a couple of days ago, but he's not finished the cabbage much less the kibble. I've never seen him leave cabbage behind. I was going to send him to a rabbit shelter so he could be around other rabbits, but I won't send him if he's not eating; he never eats at first when he's in a new location. He's also not been as cuddly or affectionate as usual. I'm really scared for him.
Can rabbits get worms? Because when cats get worms they get skinny:/ My neighbour's cat used to be fat and all of a sudden he's amaciated, I don't know what's wrong with himHe is 13 years old, maybe it's an age thing? (They got him de-wormed the other day and now he's eating more again, I think he'll be okay, and he's cuddly as always.
ThanksI don't know. Bunny's always in the house, though, so I don't see how he'd get worms, and he's only five (maybe six). *found him a few years ago when someone let lose a bunch of pet rabbits in the park* Though...I know rabbits get sick easily and can get depression. :S *now wondering if Bunny's depressed**feels like a bad person* I'm glad your neighbor's cat is healthy now, though.