Wisdom teeth to be removed tomorrow morning. :'( I really hope she read the calendar date wrong and it's not for a while yet. *sulks*
Good Luck Shadow :3
Wisdom teeth to be removed tomorrow morning. :'( I really hope she read the calendar date wrong and it's not for a while yet. *sulks*
Good Luck Shadow :3
Wish I had a costume that scared little kids. All I have is this stupid sorceress outfit that makes me feel like a walking wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. Wore that thing once and never looked back.Only on halloweeeeennnnn~
Good luck and I hope this doesn't happen to you>_< Girl was so drugged she thought she was in Harry Potter films or something.Thankies, VB. =) *hugs* I'm hoping I don't die...or, you know, spontaneously combust from nervousness. @_@
Good luck and I hope this doesn't happen to you>_< Girl was so drugged she thought she was in Harry Potter films or something.I remember when I had mine out, what I hated most was not eating properly. I really missed my food then.
I'm asking the same question 4 hours later.An age old question comes to mind.
...Why am i still awake?
WaitI'm asking the same question 4 hours later.
Christ, gonna be an expensive week.
Pre-ordered Sim City, will be picking up Vergil's Downfall and, most importantly of all. ARMA 3 tomorrow yo.
But you know what? Screw it, I have some money to spare and I haven't properly treated myself in a while. Think I'll have some fun for a change.
Well, it becomes available for sale tomorrow which gives you access to the alpha, then beta, then final release.Wait
>ARMA 3 tomorrow?! O_O WHEN WAS THIS.
I'm thinking the time has come and so have I
Thankies, VB. =) *hugs* I'm hoping I don't die...or, you know, spontaneously combust from nervousness. @_@
If that's the case, I've spontaneously combusted more times than I can remember
Great, now my mp3 headphones have stopped working
Might be back later, might not. Depends if there is anything wrong with the laptop.