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I feel a rant about adult gummy vitamins coming on.

+ Aww, Stilts, please don't cry! Mommy will get up for you! T-T *will probably be a total pushover if she ever has kids*

I've always wanted to try them.
You're Stilt's mum? I'm Tilly's sister (well, more of a best friend) :lol: *doesn't want to be a mum, too much responsibility*

I will never eat a shop sandwich again... handled by too many people if you ask me.
So it takes an eraser and a bandage to get rid of a ganglion... hmm... if i can find a bandage big enough, i think i'll try that...
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I could have been your maid of honour and Dante the Best Man and I could have walked down the aisle next to him and made googly eyes at him behind your backs.....*disappointed sigh*

Sorry DS, I asked Dante to send the invites out...
*hic* I did, ish just *hic*, I gotz side*hic* tracked. My bro didn't want his stag night, so i partied for him *hic*
I've always wanted to try them.
You're Stilt's mum? I'm Tilly's sister (well, more of a best friend) :lol: *doesn't want to be a mum, too much responsibility*

They taste kinda funny to me. But my big issue with them is that they seem a little pointless to me. Then again, I'm kinda unsympatheric to people who have a hard time taking pills and vitamins, so.... >_>
Hehe, yeah. :P Well...I tihnk so, anyway. He's really attached...kinda to the point that I can't even let him out for the night without him throwing a fit, so...yeah. That's why I say mum. XD

Fudging bank always wanting surveys done.
+ I need to work on Rebellion again...I miss Vergil-ness.
I'm thinking how the hell can anyone actually like any kind of juice drink with the bits in. I seriously can't comprehend how someone can enjoy it with bits more than without.
You might as well just eat the fruit that was used to make it...

Mmm, pizza...no skittles though, dang it...
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I ain't getting no flu shot:cool:. Every time I get sick, bundle up with some lemon tea, drink some orange juice, eat some soup, get some Vicks vapor rub, stand outside for a moment to clear my nose, maybe swallow a tad bit of cough syrup (ick), keep myself busy to show the virus who's boss, and after all of that...SLEEP!
I'm confused between the words DLC and free. Whether I'm getting the game or not, hasn't the Bloody Palace always come with the games (I think DMC 2 onwards) after you unlock a level?

Yes, but maybe the content of the Bloody Palace DLC would be too big to fit on disc. Or maybe they aren't quite finished with the Bloody Palace mode, so they would rather release the game first and then release the mode later as a free DLC. Or maybe they merely want to add SOME DLC for the game, so they decided to make the BP mode into DLC.

Either way, it's for free. ^^
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I'm confused between the words DLC and free. Whether I'm getting the game or not, hasn't the Bloody Palace always come with the games (I think DMC 2 onwards) after you unlock a level?
I kinda feel like this was a 'oh **** we forgot to add a Bloody Palace' sort of thing. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I quite often am.

+Caramello egg, tea and winding down for some good reading - haven't had this happen in aaaaages.
++Oh, never mind, there goes the Seth siren.

Just saw an old school chum run starkers through school back in 2011, Sophie you bloody legend...
XD, true story, evidence is up in my FB...
Remember a girl I knew in my eariler age. She took her life. Why did you do it? It was too much?
Now I never have the chance to ask. You told me that I will always be playing games and I believed so.
Even you liked to be a bit of a gangster girl you where always cute when sleeping. Miss you.
I done overdoing gaming. What is important is not what is around me but inside me. Are you there somewhere?
I should have listened to you. I rushed and you were right it didn't help at all. Lucky as I am I got through the worst.
Rest In Peace Lillian....
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