Dear You stupid F***king idiot - should I even call you Mayor at the moment?,
I'd just like to take the time to point out how utterly stupid the idea was to drain all the pipes and sewers this morning at 7:00. When I awoke, I was looking foreward to a nice, hot, relaxing shower. But when I went to turn on the water, nothing came out. Then I had my coffee - yes, I know what your thinking, coffee...I'm a DAMN TEA DRINKER! - hopeing the water would return. So, I skipped the shower, and thought the ideal of brushing my teeth would be wise. As soon as I turned on the tap, I started preying - and let me tell you, I don't even believe in God, good sir!!! - and no water came out...
Are you ****ing kidding me?
So, I had to walk over to my friends place, no shower, no teeth had been brushed, he didn't even get a shower, and no brushing of his teeth either! Alot of the students and adults in my town went to work/school with no showers, do you have any freakin idea how gross that is? Well, do you, "Mr. Mayor"?!
Good thing we have such things as gum and perfume, or esle, I would've been screwed. But it seems things gets even better!
So, the water came back on around 9:30, - which I happened to be at school - we were all sooo happy, we all ran to the water fountian. Most of us skipped, most of us jumped, most of us tripped over our own two feet to get there. After we all had nearly a bottle full of water, our wonderful princpal comes on with this anncoument:
"Do not Drink the water!! I repeat, a Boil Order is in effect."
Really?! REALLY?! Do I need this bull**** the day before I start work? I mean, sure, our water was once clean and pure, but then you, being the complete a$$hole you are, has to go screw it all up. Even the little kids in Africa have better water then us at the moment!!
Now, whenever I have to go do the dishes, clean my steps dads truck, mop my bedroom floor, everything smells like ****. And this stupid Boil Order is in effect for the next week. Wow! So for the next week, the whole town and the near-by areas are going to stink! We can be one big oder, we can block out the Mill! AMAZING!!
So, "Mr. Mayor", I just might as well let you know now, when I go to vote in Septemeber, let it be known, you will not get my Vote, which will hurt Ottawa pretty damn badly. I hope someone esle that has more common sense then you get's to become our epic Mayor, to put out some type of warning, instead of just doing it and making the whole town sick.
I friggon hate you "Mr. Mayor",